And after playing them for a couple of hours of course I wanted to see if I could mimic the sound with other pedals......

The G2 is a 'sculpted' fuzz and the Pink Purple will cover alot of this and some of the SS3 which is more an overdrive...
What I hear tho is the Cornish' have this sort of encapsulating buffered slight compression ....
The tones are great - really topnotch ..... but you cant uncompress them.
They are sort of Gods own Boss pedals to my ear...
with the SS3 of course this is understandable as I beleive the SS stands for Soft Sustain and thats a good description of its sound.
For this sound I would pair either the LGW or the EGDM with the PGC and this way you can get an even less intrusive compression and have direct control over it --- the trio of PGC - LGW -SBEQ can do these sounds and more or subinthe Eg or even the SYODs...
anyway thats my first dance impressions ......although thats about the same conclusion I came to a few years ago when doing the same thing with a few other Cornish peds ....and thanks Mike !!!
what do y'all think ?