Just got back from the first stop on Peter Murphy's new tour. I almost did not go after the disappointing Bauhaus show a couple years ago at the Paramount because the sound was so bad.
The new album has not yet been released and the band took about 6 cuts from it anyway. All incredible. Bauhaus songs included Stigmata Martyr and Silent Hedges, Bela got a nod in a reprise of Strange Kind of Love.
This band is pretty raw and stripped back, two guitars, bass, drums and that's it. No keys, strings, or doo-wap gals. (there were a couple songs with keyboards but no dedicated keyboard player) The band is very aggressive and dynamic. Murphy played many of his early solo hits and the rendering with a rock band, rather than studio cats was splendid.
The highlight of the evening was Marlene Dietrich's Favorite Poem. One of my all time favorite Murphy tunes that I have never seen performed live, I wish I would have saved the battery on the i-phone to get a clip of this one. Truly amazing.
Best part was the venue, a pretty small club in the industrial district. The club was packed and there was likely less than 500 people. Intimate and personal and everyone in there was breaking a sweat.
Gear wise the drummer was playing a orange sparkle kit with no logo's, hardware looked like Ludwig. Bass player (lefty) went with a SVT full stack and a pedalboard comprised of nothing too impressive stuff other than a Lehe switcher. Guitar 1 played an SG into two DS-1's and some sort of Boss Delay into a Blues Breaker. Guitar 2 played a Dean with a Bigsby into a pedalboard loaded with Boss, Ibanez, and Fulltone into a couple of Laney half stacks.
Incredible show, if Murphy is playing somewhere close to you it's worth it.