Peter Murphy - New Tour

Just got back from the first stop on Peter Murphy's new tour. I almost did not go after the disappointing Bauhaus show a couple years ago at the Paramount because the sound was so bad.
The new album has not yet been released and the band took about 6 cuts from it anyway. All incredible. Bauhaus songs included Stigmata Martyr and Silent Hedges, Bela got a nod in a reprise of Strange Kind of Love.
This band is pretty raw and stripped back, two guitars, bass, drums and that's it. No keys, strings, or doo-wap gals. (there were a couple songs with keyboards but no dedicated keyboard player) The band is very aggressive and dynamic. Murphy played many of his early solo hits and the rendering with a rock band, rather than studio cats was splendid.
The highlight of the evening was Marlene Dietrich's Favorite Poem. One of my all time favorite Murphy tunes that I have never seen performed live, I wish I would have saved the battery on the i-phone to get a clip of this one. Truly amazing.
Best part was the venue, a pretty small club in the industrial district. The club was packed and there was likely less than 500 people. Intimate and personal and everyone in there was breaking a sweat.
Gear wise the drummer was playing a orange sparkle kit with no logo's, hardware looked like Ludwig. Bass player (lefty) went with a SVT full stack and a pedalboard comprised of nothing too impressive stuff other than a Lehe switcher. Guitar 1 played an SG into two DS-1's and some sort of Boss Delay into a Blues Breaker. Guitar 2 played a Dean with a Bigsby into a pedalboard loaded with Boss, Ibanez, and Fulltone into a couple of Laney half stacks.
Incredible show, if Murphy is playing somewhere close to you it's worth it.
The new album has not yet been released and the band took about 6 cuts from it anyway. All incredible. Bauhaus songs included Stigmata Martyr and Silent Hedges, Bela got a nod in a reprise of Strange Kind of Love.
This band is pretty raw and stripped back, two guitars, bass, drums and that's it. No keys, strings, or doo-wap gals. (there were a couple songs with keyboards but no dedicated keyboard player) The band is very aggressive and dynamic. Murphy played many of his early solo hits and the rendering with a rock band, rather than studio cats was splendid.
The highlight of the evening was Marlene Dietrich's Favorite Poem. One of my all time favorite Murphy tunes that I have never seen performed live, I wish I would have saved the battery on the i-phone to get a clip of this one. Truly amazing.
Best part was the venue, a pretty small club in the industrial district. The club was packed and there was likely less than 500 people. Intimate and personal and everyone in there was breaking a sweat.
Gear wise the drummer was playing a orange sparkle kit with no logo's, hardware looked like Ludwig. Bass player (lefty) went with a SVT full stack and a pedalboard comprised of nothing too impressive stuff other than a Lehe switcher. Guitar 1 played an SG into two DS-1's and some sort of Boss Delay into a Blues Breaker. Guitar 2 played a Dean with a Bigsby into a pedalboard loaded with Boss, Ibanez, and Fulltone into a couple of Laney half stacks.
Incredible show, if Murphy is playing somewhere close to you it's worth it.