Recent build

Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:55 pm
by jdandry
Latest build. 12ax7/6v6/about 14watts...marshall/tweedy voiced. DRD sounds fab through it!
Re: Recent build

Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:24 pm
by thesjkexperience
hot damn that sounds like a winner! I am a sucker for 6V6 amps! Not to mention non-black amps (I have had a lot of bad experiences with black tolex amps).
Do you sell them and do you have any sound clips? Do you also make matching bottoms? I have an amp coming this November from Bludotone, but don't the road who knows.
Re: Recent build

Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:14 pm
by jdandry
Thanks alot guys! Once I get a soldering iron in my hand it's hard to put it down...then comes the alligator clips while balancing the guitar and and trying not to drive my girlfriend crazy. When I tune amps I hear alot from just a slam on an A chord when cranked...when me and my last X broke up..she said she missed my "bamp..bamp.." (vocalization of a slammed A Chord)..I told her I could record a couple hours of it and she could throw it in the CD player when she missed me!

I do pedal sometimes but the parts are just too small. I go nutty!
Re: Recent build

Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:26 pm
by Joeleo
jdandry wrote:when me and my last X broke up..she said she missed my "bamp..bamp.."
Call me immature, but there is a dirty joke in there somewhere...

Re: Recent build

Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:08 pm
by jdandry
Yea, the truth in that is probably funnier than any joke you could think of..but I'll leave it at that.
Working on getting some sound clips together today, just trying to figure out the best way to crank
some amps in my apartment for recording via Cubase. So..I'm going to try the cabinet on the bed (so less bleed through for downstairs), close miked with Sennheiser E906, then wrapped with blankets and pillow. Any tips?
Re: Recent build

Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:14 am
by Jagattack
Those really do look great!
And they have a feature that I need in my life - less knobs!
You didn't mention whether you sell any or not? Just a hobby (amp building for fun)?