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How does the Himmelstrutz Gramps+ compare to BJFE fuzzes?

Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:06 pm
by jonnyrocket
I just ordered one and am wondering what to expect. I have seen a few Himmelstrutz user on this site and was unable to find a forum on their site, so I thought you were the best people to ask. I have read the few threads that i was able to find and liked the few clips on youtube. However, I would like to hear your input. For those of you who have used it,
-How is it as a fuzz pedal?
-Can you achieve fuzz similar to Hendrix’s Bold as Love and Foxy Lady?
-Which pedal in the BJFE line is the closest?
Thanks, and look forward to hear you comments
Re: How does the Himmelstrutz Gramps+ compare to BJFE fuzzes

Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:49 pm
by jonnyrocket
So I received the pedal today from Maken Music. Too bad i won’t have much time to use it as I am going away for several days.
I did plugged it in for about 20 minutes with my strat and I like it a lot. I don’t think it is at all like any pedal i have had. Maybe the closest would be a Keeley Rat. However Gramps+ is so much more versatile and it serves very well as a fuzz and od. It does not get as throaty than my Lumpy’s Led Bender (MKII) and it is smoother. The EQ seems very well made and usable.
Anyways, I look forward using it again soon.
Has anybody here played one? What are your thoughts?
Re: How does the Himmelstrutz Gramps+ compare to BJFE fuzzes

Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:52 pm
by fugot
i have a gramps. First pedal on mysmall board. just a/b'd it against a anlogman white dot fuzz face. hey, does anyone need a white dot fuzz face?
the gramps does (as far as my ears tell me) everything the aman fuzz face does, but also can do more fuzz tones , and more od tones. it cleans up as well with guitar volume rolled down. as far as comparing it to bjfe fuzzes... it is more fuzz face like then the folk fuzz i had (which is a medium fuzz-though still a great fuzz all by it's onesie). the gramps might be similar to the PPF, but it has been a while since I had one-though i thought the PPf was similar to the skreddy screwdriver i had (of course-that was a while ago, and that may have been just me).
just my 2 cents..
Re: How does the Himmelstrutz Gramps+ compare to BJFE fuzzes

Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:08 pm
by rockeroo
What are you looking to get for the white dot? I may be interested...
Re: How does the Himmelstrutz Gramps+ compare to BJFE fuzzes

Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:58 pm
by jonnyrocket
thanks for your comments. I have been very happy with the Gramps+. It is one of my favorite pedals and love the versatility. It also stacks very very well with my Fetto Standard, DRD, LGW and HBOD. Today i go to play it alongside my Lumpy’s Led Bender MKIII, and what a blast! They are very different animals, but they complement each other very well. I even stacked them both and it was nice (gain very low on Led Bender and about medium on Gramps+. I do not have any fuzz face type so would not know how close Gramps+ gets to them.
Have you ever tried to play hendrix with Gramps+? If so, what is your setting? I have been trying to nail the tone on purple haze, but haven’t been able to do so. I do get close though.