Re: please check out my new book on 30 years in rock & roll!

Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:53 pm
by SteveA

That's incredible news! Best wishes on the success of the book.
Re: please check out my new book on 30 years in rock & roll!

Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:47 pm
by Bobby D
good things keep happening
for our INTERNATIONAL, as in out of the USA, members -- i have set the book up on SMASHWORDS.
this website allows you to buy internationally, AND also has formats for Kindle, Sony eReader, and many other formats. reviews by all have been very positive. it's the wildest ride you can go on for $4.99 that i know of!

Re: please check out my new book on 30 years in rock & roll!

Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:15 am
by Bobby D
new foreword by a musician/writer buddy of mine, Richie Vega.
this book is GOING PLACES.
an NYC literary agent wants to pick it up, so this may happen soon. we will do some rewriting and editing, and add a 30-40 page epilogue, to catch people up to the current days.
It was the title of this book that first caught my eye. After all, I’ve lived through the
80’s and 90’s, and I would consider myself a “rock guitarist” of sorts, despite the
fact that I primarily play bass. Of course bass players are always infinitely cooler
than guitar players, so my curiosity was piqued when I saw that a “rock guitarist”
had written an entire book about his experience. Most of the “rock guitarists” that
I have known in my lifetime would have a difficult time filling out a job application
much less writing a short story, so I sat down expecting a mildly amusing, if not
somewhat drab tale.
I also enjoy a quick and easy read, as evidenced by the ever-growing stack of
books and Sweetwater music catalogs that constantly adorn my private
meditation chamber (the john, for those not in the know). Non-fiction is always
preferred, as our current reality is growing ever stranger and more fascinating.
And reality with a pinch of fantasy thrown in for good measure usually insures
A quick scan of the pages herein revealed that the contents of this book lie
somewhere between a Bukowski novel and the lyrics of Prince’s Little Red
Corvette. As I pressed onward, a small voice in my head got louder and louder
until I could no longer ignore the question. Why in the world would anyone want to read a story about Bobby Devito?
Sexual conquests and drug-a-logues notwithstanding, this is the tale of an
atypical wannabe rockstar in the 80’s. I say atypical because typical “rock
guitarists” do not generally write books nor attend colleges and have ‘A’
averages. The dichotomy of senor Devito is what separates him from the
mainstream. Forget about cookie-cutter American Idols. Back then, if you wanted
to be the best, you had to LIVE THE DREAM. The only way to “get there” was to
EARN it. Bobby Devito has paid his fair share of dues. Unfortunately, in this
economy there is only enough room at the top for a few. But to concentrate on
being the top dog is to miss the point of this book completely which is the
enjoyment of the ride itself. Not everyone who survived those days has remained
as unscathed as Devito, which leads to my next question:
If this book is true, how in the HELL does he remember all of this sing?
Maybe its because I grew up in the first “MTV” generation, but my memories of
the 70’s and 80’s always seem to appear juxtaposed as if in a string of music
videos, complete with the caption of artist, title, album and producer in the lower
left-hand corner. Each colorful episode in Devito’s book fits perfectly within this
mental scheme, and evokes dusty footage of big-haired icon Riki Rachtman
hosting Headbangers Ball whilst channel surfing for Madonna videos to provide a
much needed sexual outlet in the restricted cable access youth of the desolate
American south. But I digress.
For whatever reason, Devito has managed to recollect (or is it resurrect?) a
series of personal events that flow together like a collage of bandanas on the
mike stand of Steven Tyler. Endearing terminology like “pity blowjob” (where can
I get one of those!) and “strawberry shortcake on acid” leads me to believe that
although Devito was discharged from the navy, he was rapidly advancing ranks
within the KISS army.
Lastly, this book is about recovery. Recovery from what I’m not exactly sure, and
perhaps neither is Devito. But at least he has the generosity to share his tale with
the rest of us who may or may not be interested. There is a current trend in
polarization of religious and anti-religious zealots world-wide. Perhaps the
ghostly, grandfatherly intervention that spared his life from a near-fatal car wreck
simply reminds us that there is something out there beyond ourselves worth
investigating, and that things do happen for a divine purpose after all.
Not a bad concept for a “rock guitarist”.
-Richard Vega
Re: please check out my new book on 30 years in rock & roll!

Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:45 am
by melodichaotic
Hey Bobby, that forward is great--best on the book, I'm sure it will take off even further for you, and hopefully among other things, you'll be able to help re-stock your lost BJF's!
...A toast to some literary Rock and Roll

Re: please check out my new book on 30 years in rock & roll!

Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:55 pm
by Bobby D
it's all going well, and i have a feeling that my "touring board" is gonna be some of the new MP series pedals, and i will leave some of the BJFe at home safe
i LOVE them all though. honeybee is a must have. red rooster + honeybee = WOW!