MP SHOD similar to SYOD?

I was watching to one of Bobby D's videos the other night and he was demoing a Sparkling Yellow OD. I think it was a V.1, but cant say for sure thought it was sparkly yellow with the custom white stripe. Anyways, he mentioned it seemed somewhat similar to the MP Sweet Honey OD. I had a SHOD for a few weeks but returned it as I just picked up a HoneyBee and EGDM and liked that better, and since cash is limited...
Has anyone else tried both? My pedal set up is very different now, and the chances of me getting a V.2 SYOD seem slim (plus I am broke), so how similar are they? My friend/teacher just picked up a Sweet Honey, so I can try it again, but want to know if pursuing a SYOD is worth the effort.
Has anyone else tried both? My pedal set up is very different now, and the chances of me getting a V.2 SYOD seem slim (plus I am broke), so how similar are they? My friend/teacher just picked up a Sweet Honey, so I can try it again, but want to know if pursuing a SYOD is worth the effort.