any fans of jaco pastorius?

being down here in the ft laud/hollywood FL area, Jaco's spirit is still strong down here.
my fiance works at the bar that has hosted the jaco birthday party every year, and his sons play there regularly. FELIX PASTORIUS is a monster....seriously.
i remember jaco busting in on MY gig back in the early 80s when he was on tour with weather report. classic night. we could NOT keep up with him, we were a "new wave" band, NOT jazz...
anyhow, long before jaco became JACO...he was just a groovy bass player that played local gigs down here.
some friends of mine have a reel to reel that they recorded with Jaco in 1968. organ trio. bass, drums/vocals, and organ. no stinking guitars
it has been cleaned up and blown into digital, so i have it on CD now. and it sounds AWESOME. jaco plays tapping, no HOT LICKS.....just solid groove.
i have heard this might get released this summer.....just wondering if any other fans had heard of it.
truly a tragic story, jaco.......i used to live right next to the park he lived in towards the end of his life.....i always sorta felt his presence there.
i have put up a track of this recording at:
last track on player "mystery bass song"
give it a listen and let me know what you think.
my fiance works at the bar that has hosted the jaco birthday party every year, and his sons play there regularly. FELIX PASTORIUS is a monster....seriously.
i remember jaco busting in on MY gig back in the early 80s when he was on tour with weather report. classic night. we could NOT keep up with him, we were a "new wave" band, NOT jazz...
anyhow, long before jaco became JACO...he was just a groovy bass player that played local gigs down here.
some friends of mine have a reel to reel that they recorded with Jaco in 1968. organ trio. bass, drums/vocals, and organ. no stinking guitars
it has been cleaned up and blown into digital, so i have it on CD now. and it sounds AWESOME. jaco plays tapping, no HOT LICKS.....just solid groove.
i have heard this might get released this summer.....just wondering if any other fans had heard of it.
truly a tragic story, jaco.......i used to live right next to the park he lived in towards the end of his life.....i always sorta felt his presence there.
i have put up a track of this recording at:
last track on player "mystery bass song"
give it a listen and let me know what you think.