This gear market is amazing isn't it?

Things that would have sold in minutes are now languishing in the classifieds. Amazing turn of events! It's a great time to be a buyer. I wish I needed gear more than I needed money. 

justonwo wrote:Honestly, though, it probably needed a correction. I think it's better for everyone if some of these prices come down a 2 or 3 hundy.
Jagattack wrote:justonwo wrote:Honestly, though, it probably needed a correction. I think it's better for everyone if some of these prices come down a 2 or 3 hundy.
I agree, and that is exactly what is happening - the ability to sell a second hand item for a lot more than the new price was due to an over inflated market.
Nice while it lasted but we have to go back to reality at some point.
Eskimo_Joe wrote:Things that would have sold in minutes are now languishing in the classifieds. Amazing turn of events! It's a great time to be a buyer. I wish I needed gear more than I needed money.