Old Bands new Shows ....

Tue May 05, 2009 8:53 am
by Donner
Im going to go see Fleetwood MAc tonight ad Im wondering just how compelling t hey will be.... I love Lindseys playing and writing and always have, so Im pretty stoked to see if hes still burining .......
seen any good oldies t hat were a pleasant suprise ?? or t hat really stunk the place up ??
Re: Old Bands new Shows ....

Tue May 05, 2009 9:38 am
by seans
Yes indeed! Stiff Little Fingers supported by Chelsea last month. Unbelievable gig. My 15 year old son loved it too - and its not his type of music. Best gig he's been to he said! That made it even more worthwhile for me. Burnt him a copy of Inflammable Material that night. The place turned into one very large, and very friendly, mosh pit.
Great sounds from overdriven Marshall 800s....
I wish there were more gigs like that... Am I getting old or what?!!!
A little different from Fleetwood Mac. Would love to see them. I hope its great Donner.
Re: Old Bands new Shows ....

Thu May 14, 2009 10:24 am
by Donner
Turned out to be a great show and a little different than I expected ...
Im now thouroughly convinced Lindsey is one of the most underated guitarists period.
I have always counted him as a big influence and I was reminded just how much .....
and it was great hangin out with Eskimo Joe too !!!!! thanks for drivin bro...!
Re: Old Bands new Shows ....

Thu May 14, 2009 12:12 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
Donner wrote:Turned out to be a great show and a little different than I expected ...
Im now thouroughly convinced Lindsey is one of the most underated guitarists period.
I have always counted him as a big influence and I was reminded just how much .....
and it was great hangin out with Eskimo Joe too !!!!! thanks for drivin bro...!
Hey Donner,
Thanks for the invite! That was a great show. I have a whole new appreciation for the band. I really enjoyed how they told stories and talked with the crowd.
Re: Old Bands new Shows ....

Mon May 18, 2009 1:14 am
by jfromel
I wore my Bauhaus T-shirt to the Brian Wilson show at the Paramount, he did the classic Beach Boys stuff, then he played smile cover to cover and it was nothing short of amazing, then he came out for an encore and did Christmas Carols, in July becuase he is Brian Wilson. If I remember correctly he actually said "I am going to do some Christmas tunes because I can" One of the best shows I have ever seen. I got to meet him after the show, he was pretty cool but made some snide comment about my shirt. So......
I wore my Brian Wilson T-shirt to the Bauhaus show at the Paramount. What a waste of $27 and I am a huge Bauhaus fan, I have all their records (On Vinyl), I have everything Tones on Tail ever recorded, Dali's Car, Love and Rockets, Jazz Butcher, David J's solo stuff, yep I have it all and that show sucked. I have seen Love and Rockets a dozen times and Tones once, Peter Murphy 3 or 4 times so I was pretty excited to see one of my favorite bands live for the first time, meh. They didn't bother playing In the Flat Field or Double Dare, the sound was absolute crap, they played for 90 minutes including an encore consisting of nothing more than 9 minutes of Bela and I was home and in bed before 10. They should have spent less time on the hair spray and makeup and more time practicing and sound checking.
Not really and old band but an old show.... My wife took me to the Austrialian Pink Floyd show last year for my birthday, that show was amazing, they played The Wall cover to cover and it was perfect. They nailed it. They did an encore which was played really well but I would have been totally happy if they had just walked off stage after the Wall and turned the lights on.
Re: Old Bands new Shows ....

Mon May 18, 2009 9:26 pm
by Donner
Eskimo_Joe wrote:Donner wrote:Turned out to be a great show and a little different than I expected ...
Im now thouroughly convinced Lindsey is one of the most underated guitarists period.
I have always counted him as a big influence and I was reminded just how much .....
and it was great hangin out with Eskimo Joe too !!!!! thanks for drivin bro...!
Hey Donner,
Thanks for the invite! That was a great show. I have a whole new appreciation for the band. I really enjoyed how they told stories and talked with the crowd.
good point - you dont see a lot of bands anymore t hat genuinely know how to work a crowd on a one to one feel..........
And it was the first time IVe ever sat in the verrrrry last row - leaning against the wall