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Passing it on - on vacation ....

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:20 pm
by Donner
I took my kids on vacation while the wife stayed home last week.....
which afforded me the opportunity of having control of the music in the car the whole time 8)

So my 9 and 12 year old boys got a muscial education and they got hipped to Lucinda Williams live long enough that they realy dug it and even started making up thier own words !!!

and the very inquisitve 12 year old also asked some really specific questions about the lyrics - (yes you can actually understand t hem !!) which led t o some interesting conversations if you know what kind of subject matter she leans to....

What kind of music would you hip kids to today ??? and why ??

Re: Passing it on - on vacation ....

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:47 am
by soulsonic
Whenever I hear a kid (usually around 15 to 18) listening to the current crummy metal, I try to hip them to the cool 90's underground metal I listened to when I was their age.
Metal has gotten really lame... it used to be so cool.... Meshuggah was so incredible when I first heard them in '94.

Re: Passing it on - on vacation ....

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:24 am
by BJF

I try to hip people any age to the crumhorn.....

Yes Meshuggah long time no see. I got to hear about them as I was the guitar/amptech at a stoore were Thomas Haake worked.
I made a switchingsystem for the two guitarists so they could switch the channels of their guitaramps in sequence so that sound pressure would never fall ..........a couple of years later they switched from Marshallamps to Line 6...

Have fun

Re: Passing it on - on vacation ....

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:55 am
by seans
My 15 year old son is into modern metal. Not my cup of tea. He is a great drummer though I am proud to say...

Fortunately, he has happily agreed to come to a gig this Saturday with old gits like me strutting their stuff. Stiff Little Fingers no less! Can't wait. Not quite Avenged Sevenfold but I hope he enjoys it too 8)

Re: Passing it on - on vacation ....

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:34 pm
by zzpotato
I just got back from a trip to Disney with my kids -girl 9, boy 6- and wife...older.
We drove from Ottawa, Canada, 24hrs total drive time. The time was split 75% to 25% infavour of Harry Potter audio books over music. The music winner for over-all satisfaction for my kids was ABBA followed closely by the Beatles Abby Road. For my wife and I it was Emmylou Harris and Mark Knopfler- seperately and together. I have to say that kids, in gereral, do not respond well to the lyric alone. If a lyric is delivered in a highly melodic or highly unusual way (I am the goo goo joob) then they get interested. My daughter also is a big Sheryl Crow fan and likes her version of Dylans' "Mississippi" so I played her dylans Mississippi, one from a few years back and from the latest bootleg CD, and it had almost no impact even though dylan's delivery is much more meaningful. I tend toward classic stuff that is strong on melody and good musical form for my kids. 80% of the time they dig it.
I teach guitar and music and what I find interetsing is that kids today- the ones wanting to learn about music anyway- are listening to the stuff I grew up on in the 70's. I had a 17 year old student actually request that I teach him an old Lindsay Buckingham tune from before Fleetwood Mac. That floored me. :shock: Even more shocking is that I remembered how to play it.