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'Splain yer Handle !!!

Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:37 pm
by Donner
We have some interesting posting names here .......
Would be interesting to hear some of the stories behind the Handles......

Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:03 pm
by EyeFly
Mine, "Eyefly", is pretty easy to explain. I was an Air Force fighter pilot for 12 years before becoming an Ophthalmic surgeon. I guess I should have reversed the order since I flew first but didn't like "Flyeye" nearly as much.
I appreciated it a while back when Slim explained why his moniker had changed as I was confused a bit when it first happened.
Okay, all the rest of you, especially you that have been around for a while, feel challenged to chime in....
cork (aka Eyefly)
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:38 pm
by justonwo
Mine is not terribly clever but it is always available, so I like that it's a bit unique.
It's simple. justonwo is "juston With 'O' which differentiates me from all the other Justons out there that spell their names with an "i". Anyway, first day I started college in 1996 I had to pick an email address and that flashed into my head. It's been my username for pretty much everything online ever since.
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:17 pm
by VacuumVoodoo
I'm just a Voodoo priest of Vacuum in tubes and sometimes between my ears...
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:48 pm
by NewarkWilder
well as i've said before NewarkWilder is just a song from the Pavement album Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain, and I thought it sounded cool

but for a looooooong time I went by the handle "MirrorAshes" which is actually a really obscure Grateful Dead reference. If anybody knows it, you get a cookie

Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:17 pm
by analoghog
...well,..mine is not all that clever, but it sums me up pretty well...i'm just a Lover of all things Old and Analog...i love Records, and old Effects( and Bjorns stuff ),..old Amps,..and old recording gear....Digital never did it for me...yeah, CD's are easier, but i still love the way records sound...some of my favorite memories are from when i was 16, my friends and i would jump in a car every Sunday night and drive down to Chicago to Rolling Stones Records and we would spend all of our money on bootlegs, imports and on all the bargin sales on the back rack...we were all big, big music sluts...My very first record purchase was the Beatles Hard Days Night, and it was all down hill from there....
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:08 pm
by Bobby D
my handle is my grandpa's name, and it's also my stage name in my band Two Story Double Wide!
my grandpa was a pretty cool guitarist from the grand Ol Opry, but he sure didn't like fuzzboxes

Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:19 am
by huckleboogie
"huckleboogie" - an old tune we used to play a lot with my hammond trio....
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:37 am
by DocRock
Donner wrote:We have some interesting posting names here .......
Would be interesting to hear some of the stories behind the Handles......

I assume "Donner" comes from "Don" ... but I was wondering how long you've had that handle, and how it came about? Did you come up with it, or did someone give it to you?
As for me ... I think I have a cool handle, but it's not exactly super-creative. I'm a rock guitarist who also became a doctor: DocRock

Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:56 am
by Donner
Oh yeah Doc, guess I should fess up as well.....
Ive used DonneR for over 10 years ~~~ it was actually a typing accident ...
Back when Harmony Central first popped up - there were like 6 categories then I believe ..... I went by Don and then there was another Don so I went by Don R.
for awhile --- then late one night more than half asleep I went to sign Don R and doubled the n and fatfingered the e next to the R and DonneR was born
theres better stories in there but Ill save 'em for the contest (Hint Hint)