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Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:01 pm
by cajone5
cajone5 = C + A + Jones
my name

Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:50 am
by TCauble
Mine is simply my name. Not very creative I know..
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:19 pm
by montecarlo
I'm a guitarist trapped inside a physicist working in Quantum Monte Carlo methods.
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:07 pm
by swampy
swampy is the sound of my boots deepened into the mire
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:12 am
by this1smyne
This1smyne was the name i came up with when i was in high school and desperately needed an email account, and couldn't for the life of me think of one. i hated all the 'sk8erboy' or 'guitar guy' or whatever, and ended up with this1smyne. its my tag for everything, and eventually became my business too

Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:23 am
by Joeleo
Well, back when i studied jazz guitar for a bit during undergrad i had a class assignment where we had to take a jazz standard and reharmonize the changes, and then come up with a new melody over that reharmonization. The idea was to see just how different one tune could be from another even though they share the same form and were born out of the same basic idea.
Anyway, I reharmonized and reworked a rhythm changes tune called "Oleo". Since my name is Joel I decided to title it "Joeleo". The nickname stuck with me through the years and some of my friends still call me that to this day.
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:15 pm
by colourtones
Eskimo_Joe wrote:Eskimo Joe's is a bar/restaurant where I went to undergrad. Really awesome place. They have the second most popular t-shirt in the world behind the Hard Rock.
E. Joe
I still live in that quaint little college town. So when I did my undergraduate at Berklee(Boston), the east coast jazz harmony speak for notes other than chord tones(1,3,5,7) was tensions or extensions. Really hip cats called them colortones. Liking all things british, I went with the queen's colour spelling and "colourtones" was born.
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:13 am
by Skychurch
Mines not too creative but I always liked it.
Skychurch; the name of the informal ensemble Jimi Hendrix put together at the Woodstock Festival.
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:57 am
by musicsoma
I thought this was a fun thread. My handle has multiple layers. U2 has a song called "Miracle Drug". During an interview Bono explained that music was his sort of miracle drug through which he was able to express and experience freedom. I can definitely relate to this concept.
Along the drug train of thought, in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, he describes a drug called SOMA as follows: "All the advantages of Christianity and alcohol; none of their defects."
I lead the worship for a church but often hate the baggage that seems to be associated with the title "Christian". People have a lot of different ideas of what it means to be a "Christian". For me, it is about love... loving God and loving all people (not just those who ascribe to a certain systematic theology).
If you strip away the other things, you are left with "all the advantages of Christianity" and "none of (the) defects."
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:19 am
by Joeleo
Brave New World is one of my favorite books ever! I figured your screenname had something to do with it.
I know this isn't the place to get into faith-based conversations, so i'll just say that I really like and appreciate your analogy to the church.
musicsoma wrote:I thought this was a fun thread. My handle has multiple layers. U2 has a song called "Miracle Drug". During an interview Bono explained that music was his sort of miracle drug through which he was able to express and experience freedom. I can definitely relate to this concept.
Along the drug train of thought, in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, he describes a drug called SOMA as follows: "All the advantages of Christianity and alcohol; none of their defects."
I lead the worship for a church but often hate the baggage that seems to be associated with the title "Christian". People have a lot of different ideas of what it means to be a "Christian". For me, it is about love... loving God and loving all people (not just those who ascribe to a certain systematic theology).
If you strip away the other things, you are left with "all the advantages of Christianity" and "none of (the) defects."