well mine is just a mix up of things from my misspent youth in the new york hardcore scene the xtobyx came from the lead singer of the hardcore band H2O who is straight edge (which represents the X's) and his name is Toby and also from that scene in Reservoir Dogs when Joe Cabot keeps droning on and on about a little Japanese girl he couldn't remember her last name he found in an old address book - Toby Wong, Toby Choo, Toby and Mr. White snaps on him and takes his address book, then that in turn led to one of my parents cats being named Toby and just stuck for email addresses and what not over the years cause it was always available.
the 44 has always been my favorite number and I always wore it during my baseball days. I always remember seeing footage of Reggie Jackson on the yankees during the Mr. October years and it just was one of the things I always thought of as my earliest baseball memories from my childhood. best part is I'm now a hugh Boston Red Sox's fan
so there you have it hope that makes sense.