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Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:30 am
by sharkminusbear
Inside joke.... too many band names involving sharks and/or bears

Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:00 am
by nibus
zion wrote:Zion is a National Park in Southern Utah. My wife worked there as a Law Enforcement Ranger for about 8 years.
I too worked there some but bounced around the country during that time with my profession. And yes it was nice when I was home to wake up in a National Park.
Now she works for Great Smoky Mountains National Park and I work for the Cherokee National Forest.
Should I change my name to Smoky?
Right in my backyard!
'nibus' is part of 'Barnibus' which is just a stupid nick-name one friend used to always call me. It's also un-common and easy to type, so I stick with it on forums.
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:00 am
by bjf-crazy
Well i am a Bjf pedal junky...So i think my name speaks for itself !!!

Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:56 am
by melodichaotic
Back in the mid '90's the band I was playing in shared a large rehearsal studio in a loft at a factory/storage complex--very vibey and spacious room with 30 foot ceilings. On one rare occasion when we were arriving and they were leaving, a conversation ensued regarding the other band's music, and songwriting ideologies.
I made a comment to the drummer of the other band regarding improvising, and how some players at times can sound a bit melodically chaotic--there was a pause and he looked up at me and said "Very interesting, I like that", and he seemed to be mulling it over in his head a few times as they were leaving.
Don't know if he or the band ever incorporated it lyrically or song title-wise, but obviously it stuck in my head.
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:09 pm
by xtoby44x
well mine is just a mix up of things from my misspent youth in the new york hardcore scene the xtobyx came from the lead singer of the hardcore band H2O who is straight edge (which represents the X's) and his name is Toby and also from that scene in Reservoir Dogs when Joe Cabot keeps droning on and on about a little Japanese girl he couldn't remember her last name he found in an old address book - Toby Wong, Toby Choo, Toby and Mr. White snaps on him and takes his address book, then that in turn led to one of my parents cats being named Toby and just stuck for email addresses and what not over the years cause it was always available.
the 44 has always been my favorite number and I always wore it during my baseball days. I always remember seeing footage of Reggie Jackson on the yankees during the Mr. October years and it just was one of the things I always thought of as my earliest baseball memories from my childhood. best part is I'm now a hugh Boston Red Sox's fan
so there you have it hope that makes sense.
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:17 am
by soulsonic
Mine makes sense if you're a fan of Afrika Bambaataa.
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:21 am
by Kayzer
My last name is Kayser and i changed it to Kayzer to split online and regular live and thats it...!
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:37 pm
by LuvMusic
Pretty straight forward......I Love Music!!!
Started playing piano when I was 8 so I could learn to play the trumpet. My parents insisted on me learning to read music first by learning piano for a year.
When I got to high school, the conductor of our band introduced me to baritone horn because we had so many trumpet players and not enough rhythm in the brass section. Fell in love with rhythm lines. Around that time I started hanging with some guys who wanted to start a band. Bass guitar was my calling and here I am.
I had about a 25 year break due to day job career, marriage and kids. Then one kid started to play drums, the other guitar and I started longing for a bass to rediscover a lost love and round things out. I think you can figure out what happened.
I play with my kids and some friends. Block parties, basement get-to-gethers and once in awhile an open mike. Also a gadget connoisseur so I think you can imagine my curiosity about BJF and his pedals.
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:47 pm
by James V
Ok. I have the lamest handle. It is my first name and the first letter of my last name. I tend to use it because it is easy to remember (that makes me sound very dumb!). I am new to the forum, which makes my handle even worse. I have been lurking for some time. I have gone crazy buying MP pedals and BJFE pedals in the last few months. As you all know, it is very addicting. I have been a fan for a few years and now can't stop buying them. They ALL SOUND GOOD.
Well, my handle stinks! Thanks. I do enjoy reading others though.
Re: 'Splain yer Handle !!!

Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:10 am
by Strat-o-lux
Probably does not require explanation: favorite guitar + favorite amp.