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What Modulations ??

Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:07 pm
by Donner
What and how many modulations do you have and what do yo actually USE ???
(This is trem/phase/flange/chorus etc...)
Re: What Modulations ??

Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:54 pm
by DocRock
Phase first and foremost.
If I could find a flange that didn't cost a million dollars and could replicate the tape flanging of the old Eddie Kramer / Jimi Hendrix recordings, I'd be in heaven.
Re: What Modulations ??

Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:15 am
by Eskimo_Joe
I like modulation, but maybe only use it pretty sparingly. Trem followed by phase for me.
Re: What Modulations ??

Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:58 am
by cabo
if delay is considered modulating, than that would be my most used.
next would be subtle vibe,
then phase, least used would be trem.
Re: What Modulations ??

Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:32 pm
by NewarkWilder
I loooooove me some modulation. delay & reverb the most. vibe, phase & chorus next. pitch shifting and ring mods too (only ring mods with good wet/dry control, i only like a tiny bit of it dialed in, too much can ruin a good sound for sure--i use the zvex ringtone), and every once in a while a little bit of flange. flange can be really irritating sometimes though. I have the Hartman analog flanger which is basically like a classic Electric Mistress. I love how subtle you can make it.
But yeah. I've basically always got some delay and reverb on.
Re: What Modulations ??

Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:23 am
by cabo
forgot about my most over used

,,a leslie simulator.
i still hang onto a WH-1, and some sequencers too.
Re: What Modulations ??

Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:04 pm
by seans
I love modulation and use it a lot. Lovetone dopelganger is a fave and has stayed on my board for many years. Mini Vibe and Moogerfooger Murf are always on the board too and I always have a little modulation on my delays (either EH DMM or Skreddy echo). I have a hartman flanger too but don't use it much. Great sounds though.
Re: What Modulations ??

Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:23 pm
by thiscalltoarms
I never considered delay as modulation, but I use delay pretty much non-stop.
In terms of actual live usage- I have a vintage MIJ CE2 that I LOVE. My go to modulation tone for sure, but I'd love to get me a subtle phaser. and I NEED a reverb pedal and I haven't found one I like yet. I think I like the hardwire best of the on the market stuff at this point... meh.
Give me an analog chorus from MP. yummy. or I could get a analogman, those are awesome too.