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who are your favorite writers?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:53 pm
by Bobby D
for me, they would be:
philip k dick
kurt vonnegut
hermann hesse
randy wayne white (a good friend, and great florida mystery fiction writer)
theodor adorno
robert pirsig
ikkyu, the crazy zen poet
Re: who are your favorite writers?

Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:46 am
by DocRock
(in no particular order)
Margaret Atwood
Sir William Golding
J.R.R. Tolkien
Shusaku Endo
Franz Kafka
William Shakespeare
Jon Steinbeck
Mark Twain
I'm not much of a reader, as these are all authors whom I would have read in college or high school. But I liked what I read.
Re: who are your favorite writers?

Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:34 am
by Donner
Hmmm yeah most of my favorite writers are t he ones t hat write books my kids will r ead !!!
The last time I was in a reading binge it was things like
Piers Anthony and Carlos Castenada
Re: who are your favorite writers?

Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:51 pm
by cabo
not much reading for me these days, but some of my past favorites were
Joseph Campbell
James Redfield
Deepak Chopra
Tony Hillerman
Hunter Thompson

Re: who are your favorite writers?

Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:23 pm
by cosmonaut
I am not terribly well-read, but here's a dozen..
Hermann Hesse
Anaïs Nin
Henry Miller
Bob Dylan
John Cage
William Gibson
Gilles Deleuze
Neil Gaiman
Stephen King's The Dark Tower 7-book series
Charles Bukowski
Charles Baudelaire
Steve Kilbey
Re: who are your favorite writers?

Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:25 am
by mills
Not much time for reading that isnt a textbook for the last few years, but...
Hunter Thompson
Jack Kerouac
Ernest Hemmingway
And, every now and then the Art of War is worth a browse.
Otherwise, just whatever generic fiction drifts my way, but isnt really worth mentioning.
Re: who are your favorite writers?

Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:00 am
by Bobby D
LOVE Hemingway, I guess you can't spend as much time in Key West as I do and NOT like Hemingway.
Lao-Tzu is a constant companion as well as Chuang Tzu.
Hunter S Thompson is CLASSIC, my buddy Randy Wayne White used to hang out with him and take him fishing, he has a few stories about Hunter.....
In this day and age where there are over 1,000 channels of cable TV, internet, and mp3 players with 120gb worth of music in them, I think the younger generation may be missing out on books.....I remember as a child going to the library, searching for a particular book, having to do "inter-library loan" and WAIT weeks for that book to come from some other library or university before I got to read it.
Re: who are your favorite writers?

Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:32 pm
by BJF
Reading as in not technical or educational but just for joy and excitment?
I grew up in a home of books and live in one now. Actually I try to read on the subway on my way to work other than that I haven't had time to read as many books as I once did, more or less always carrying a book something I have enjoyed doing all my life, oh well at least I get to read a little:)
My favourite authors would include
Hjalmar Söderberg
Håkan Nesser
Hans Alfredson
Gabriel Garcia Marques
Isabelle Allende
Graham Greene
John Dickson Carr/Carter Dickson
Donald E Westlake
Douglas Adams
Anthony Burgess
Geoffrey Household
Peter Süskind
Mikael Niemi
Arto Paasilina
Andre' Gide
Marcel Ayme'
Umberto Ecco
Michail Bulgakov
Have fun
Re: who are your favorite writers?

Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:41 pm
by huckleboogie
Truman Capote
Anton Chekov
Michail Bulgakov
Graham Greene
Stanley G. Weinbaum
Stanislaw Lem
Arkadi & Boris Strugatzki
and i have to add that even after the 10th time of reading it, Miles Davis' autobiography never gets boring....
Re: who are your favorite writers?

Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:59 pm
by zion
Edward Abbey
Thomas Rain Crowe
Terry Tempest Williams
Jim Morrison
John (From the Book of John)
Dave Foreman
Doug Peacock