bobby d...44.....almost married (december 2009 is our wedding plan), with 3 daughters (sheer craziness)
professional musician for most of my life, doing gigs since the age of 16.
other than music, i have done a number of things for "day jobs"....alternative music marketing and promotion for BMG Distribution, a private investigator, national sales manager for Gator Cases, ran a recording studio fora year in 87, have done guitar repairs and lessons for a music store, and a few other things
for hobbies, i have my ambient music "stargarden" --
i also like to fish, hunt, and "outdoorsy" stuff.
still trying to remain a professional musician, but it's tough at times. however, it seems to be one of the things i am best at, and it makes me happy to play music, have fun, and hopefully help others enjoy life and have fun!
my new hobby is starting with my folk fuzz build, and i will probably take a stab at breadboarding and trying to experiment with other effects pedals.
first pedals -- in 1974 -- crybaby wah and Sekova fuzz pedal from japan, then a bosstone fuzz......i suppose i was one of the first boutique effects buyers/users, starting with one of the first provibes made by dave fox, and fulldrive 1 #034 from the first batch of fulldrives mike fuller built, as well as one of the very early zvex fuzz factories and an octane 1. and a very early prescription electronics experience pedal.
i guess it always comes back to effects pedals for me