Melbourne, Australia- near Pete!
Married 18 years to Dorothy
Gemma 15, Olivia 12, Leo 4
Teacher: English, History, Theology
and I've taught at every year level
in both primary and secondary school-
some of the preps I taught are now teachers....scary thought!
I've done cover bands, acoustic stuff still play in church and Gemma sings too.
Hope to be playing later this year with Pete
(aka) bigbadpj
sometimes at work I just daydream about it:

I fantasize about him wearing too much leather again in the new band
just like in his his youtube clips with James Freud and the Radio Stars.

(........................I just typed that out loud didn't I....)
It could be just like Joes Garage:
you know...with leather...on the bus
with the used telefunken's etc.
Pete's modest-
His band had hit songs- got to record at Abbey Road,
he met Jeff Beck and even bought a guitar from Gary Moore. (True!!!!)
Now if we don't form a band this year that will be edited to:
"he's a washed up has been...etc".
I'm a lefty like Bsic except with the strings upside down.
Discovered BJF's because of TGP
(thanks Donner, Markom, Newarkwilder, Doc Rock etc).
My 2 youtube clips for the Rocket Ride FEOTM are
LONGER than all of Bobby D's clips put together!!!!
Notice I didn't say better.......
The discovery continues even with BJF pedals I've had for ages.
That's the "Nature" of the B-J-Feast!
They are continually Bjorn Again.