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Re: Roll Call

Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:32 pm
by Kalle
Kalle, 25, Sweden.
Guitar teacher and musician. Living with my girlfriend in Stockholm.
I just bought my first Bjf a few days ago, a used Caf. It is so great in every way, that I have also ordered a Dyna red and a Honey bee now. Not to mention I've discovered this nice forum!
I love to play music. And I love gear. From now on, especially Bjf gear
And I really enjoy all of Bobby's demos. Very nice.
Check out my main band if you want. . Two singles released, album on the way.
Re: Roll Call

Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:05 pm
by Danny Boy
Hi Everyone!
My name is Daniel, I'm 30 years old and I'm living in Stockholm with my girlfriend Annica
and I will have my first child in April.
I'm out Playing quite a lot with my Rock'n'Roll/Blues Band: The Domestic Bumblebees
I'm also working in a music shop called Deluxe Music and I'm selling MP Pedals all the time
And I'm probably one of the biggest BJFE fans in Sweden!

Re: Roll Call

Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:18 pm
by Kalle
Hi Danny!
Deluxe - one of the best shops in Stockholm. I have bought 4 mp pedals from you there. Nice to meet you on the internet

Re: Roll Call

Sat Jan 16, 2010 3:13 pm
by jjguitarranch
New York
Guitarist (Autumn Hour) and Television Production
Father of a great two year old son
Wife is very understanding
Re: Roll Call

Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:54 pm
by aarondavis
Hey All, Been a while since I've posted here... Hey Donner!
Aaron Davis
Oklahoma (no I don't live on a farm)
Two amazing little boys, 4 and 10 months
Accountant and pro musician
Interests: *LEARNING* as much as possible while still having a life. That means about music, gear, DNA, the human brain, history, economics... heck I've recently set out to conquer Calculous since I didn't have to take it college. Continual Improvement is my motto.
Music: I've been studying jazz for about 10 years now, after mainly being a "shredder". Gig out a few times a week and love it when one of these gigs is a jazz gig!
Gear: Mainly Koll guitars, TopHat amps and various effets; Lovepedal, Barber, Zvex, Analogman, Line 6 etc., and a couple of Bjorn's goodies of course. Main one is a custom Dyna Red maid to go better with my Eternity and TopHat amps.
Bjorn IMO is the coolest effect builder there is. His pedals always have something extra that's really hard to pin down, so I just call it "organic". And the way he wants to pass his knowledge on to people is a bit rare.
Re: Roll Call

Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:39 pm
by High Noon
David Masterson
Age 46
Hack Guitarist
Attorney former Engineer
Nomad - Moved fam from America (lived in both coasts and the middle too), to Asia and currently Europe
2 Kids, one playing guitar
Appreciate quality guitar effects and the tone shaping qualities that they have, particularly the unique BJFE and D*A*M variety
Re: Roll Call

Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:16 pm
by jdandry
John Dandry
Salt Lake City, UT
but born and raised in New Orleans
in top40 cover band to pay the bills
Full time student, international relations major/ Turkish minor
playing for 16 years various music
my girlfriend!! Zappa, electronics, umm..guitar
Rig: Gibson ES-336w/fralins- Peterson tuner-MP LGW--BJFE DRD--HBE Phaser--MP DBD-- 59' Gibson
GA-16t driving a 60's VOX silver alnico 12".
Looking to get a RRB, Folk Fuzz or PPF, HBOD
Love the forum, loads of great info! Thanks
Re: Roll Call

Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:06 am
by Radiosdead
Ryan Ikari
1st kid 8 mos old...more to come!
Love music....period....
I'm down to discuss whatever..but gear is my fav...I love making noise...beautiful noise...out of thin air..pretty much gets me grinning.
Re: Roll Call

Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:13 am
by Mozart82
28 years old
married, no kids
i work for an woodimporter... we get a lot of wood from sweden

i am not a great guitar player but i love pedals and gear and making music.
want more BJFe pedals

Re: Roll Call

Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:48 pm
by bsic
Playing guitar for ~20 years. In and out of bands, but most of the time play as a hobby. Not a rock star, nor am I pretending to be. Mostly... a hack
Currently in a 70s/80s rock cover band.