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Big Muff & Rat Attack

Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:55 pm
by cosmonaut
What are the best Big Muff & Rat-like pedals?
Re: Big Muff & Rat Attack

Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:49 pm
by nichcope
There's one made by earthquaker devices called the hoof based on the green russian muff. One on ebay right now........... ... 1|294%3A50Or you can just order off his site......... the D*A*M rams head, but good luck getting ahold of one of those, he doesn't make 'em anymore.
Re: Big Muff & Rat Attack

Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:25 pm
by DocRock
I once checked out someone's Freakshow Brown Rabbit ... I thought that was a kick-ass pedal, and I'm told that it's basically an improved Rat. I've never played a Rat, though, so I can't compare.
Re: Big Muff & Rat Attack

Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:40 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
I haven't played enough of the clones / derivatives to say for sure, but I do like the D*A*M Ramshead.
Re: Big Muff & Rat Attack

Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:53 pm
by cosmonaut
Thanks guys!
some say Pink Flesh is the bestest Muff...
many like Brown Rabbit for Rattiness...
i was hoping this to be more like a polling of all of your tastes...
if any of you have something to add then please do...
once again,
A. What are the best Big Muff-like pedals around?
B. What are the best Rat-like pedals around?
Re: Big Muff & Rat Attack

Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:37 pm
by whiteelephant
I have a Skreddy Pink Flesh: Great sounding, very smooth muff sound.
I had a DAM Rams Head (up until 1 month ago): I little more raw/aggresive sounding, still loved it...just couldn't justify keeping it as I didn't use it a ton.
My favorite right now? A newly aquired Diceworks Fuzz Epic. It's muff side is a pure joy to play. To my ears, and through my set up, it the fullest-sounding of the bunch. Its so versitile, it has so many toggle options, you can basically capture any muff sound you are looking for. It is very Bjorn-esque in that practically every setting I try is usable in some way.
Re: Big Muff & Rat Attack

Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:33 am
by cosmonaut
whiteelephant wrote:I have a Skreddy Pink Flesh: Great sounding, very smooth muff sound.
I had a DAM Rams Head (up until 1 month ago): I little more raw/aggresive sounding, still loved it...just couldn't justify keeping it as I didn't use it a ton.
My favorite right now? A newly aquired Diceworks Fuzz Epic. It's muff side is a pure joy to play. To my ears, and through my set up, it the fullest-sounding of the bunch. Its so versitile, it has so many toggle options, you can basically capture any muff sound you are looking for. It is very Bjorn-esque in that practically every setting I try is usable in some way.
I have a Dice Works Muff Diver Finale and Pink Flesh coming...
I really hope the Muff Diver Finale is similar to your Fuzz Epic.
I can't wait!
Re: Big Muff & Rat Attack

Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:37 am
by Donner
The Fraternity is a Rat variation with a number of clipping opttions so you can get Rat sounds as well as some very unRat sounds and some things approaching Muff ville with t he fill knob that fluffs the bottom and lower the mid honk of the Rat sound....

Re: Big Muff & Rat Attack

Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:08 pm
by cosmonaut
Tru dat!
With FRATty I am set for now with RATtiness...
and I am waiting on a Muff Diver Finale...
This looks promising... but i am wondering if i should not try to find "Fuzz Epic"Donner wrote:The Fraternity is a Rat variation with a number of clipping opttions so you can get Rat sounds as well as some very unRat sounds and some things approaching Muff ville with t he fill knob that fluffs the bottom and lower the mid honk of the Rat sound....

Re: Big Muff & Rat Attack

Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:31 pm
by cosmonaut
ok, i am on the waiting list for Fuzz Epic.
cosmonaut wrote:whiteelephant wrote:I have a Skreddy Pink Flesh: Great sounding, very smooth muff sound.
My favorite right now? A newly aquired Diceworks Fuzz Epic. It's muff side is a pure joy to play. To my ears, and through my set up, it the fullest-sounding of the bunch. Its so versitile, it has so many toggle options, you can basically capture any muff sound you are looking for. It is very Bjorn-esque in that practically every setting I try is usable in some way.
I have a Dice Works Muff Diver Finale and Pink Flesh coming...
I really hope the Muff Diver Finale is similar to your Fuzz Epic.
I can't wait!