What cables are you guys using?

I've been considering investing in some better cables after reading on the lava man site and on TGP. Anybody invest in some good cables? What was the result?
huckleboogie wrote:i bought two of Pete Cornish's cables.
after being in the studio last year....the engineer gave me one of those cables to check out , and A-B ing with my own cable (a standard spectraflex) ,plugged straight into a vox AC30 , the sound just opened up, as if there was a blanket lifted. it was mind-boggling. great cables and a nice guy to deal with...Jimmy Page and Gilmour are just two names on his long list of clients:-)
but then in live situations, cables might be overrated? if you got a buffer in the effects chain and all...when it comes to bright backline amps, sometimes i prefer "cheap" cables, they take away some of the highs in the signal.
so-i'm happy bout the Cornish cables, but i use them in the studio and in "straight into the amp" situations mostly now. when i'm goin on the road, it's the spectraflex i've been using for years now.
Eskimo_Joe wrote:I've been considering investing in some better cables after reading on the lava man site and on TGP. Anybody invest in some good cables? What was the result?
Donner wrote:I like a mix... I use some George Ls and old switchcraft and I do like my old yellow coily cord just for fun, but it also smooths t ings out a bit...... yes sometimes pure clarity is overrated ; ]