While I'm far from an expert, I've been busy doing quite a bit of research & experimenting with cabs & speakers. After all, speakers are what we're hearing when we play electric guitar, the final link in the tone chain.
How speakers & cabs interact with the surrounding environment, which is never consistent, has a huge impact on what we actually hear. There are so many variables that can alter the sound, including the air in the room, placement of the cab in the room, where your ears are in the room, etc... Change one variable even the slightes little bit & you have a different sound.
I go thru these stages where I need to experiment with speakers & cabs, & since swapping speakers to find the best match is a realtively inexpensive way to improve your tone. It can be a huge PITA though, since it's time consuming, & true A/B comparos are impossible. Newer speakers generally need alot of time to break in, so any tone testing done won't yield accurate results unless they are broken in... Some folks are cool with whatever they have/use, end of story. There are many tried & true combinations that just work & make sense, ie Marshall plexi & 4x12 with greenbacks, or Fender Tweeds & Jesesn alnico's, etc... Mixing dissimilar speakers can be really cool, where one speaker can fill sonic territory that another is lacking...
I think it's worth the time to find good matches, plus it's fun! Especially if you're thinking outside the box of conventional wisdom, & are searching for alternatives to what's universally accepted. No different than trying/changing different guitars, amps, pickups, strings, pedals, etc, to find tones that work the best... There are a staggering amount of speaker designs available to achieve certain tones, & the same holds true for cab design. Trying to make sense of it all is daunting, & there is a lot of technical data to work with, as well as the usual amount of mumbo jumbo, hype, & mis-information. What works for some may sound awful to others, but it can be a good guide as a starting point.
Right now my experimenting is centered around finding the best speakers for my 5e3 Tweed Deluxe head, & a Marshall inspired 2x12 slant cab, as well as what works best for the
LoMo in both the 2x12, and a 1x12 ported cab. I'm definitely looking for primo Marshall type dirtsounds, but cleanup is also paramount to me, so I search for speaker(s) that can do both without much dropoff in tone quality on either end of the spectrum. I'm inching closer to the ideal combinations, within my time & budget restraints, which is always a factor! LOL!!