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Ultra High Gain Lead Tone

Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:10 pm
by thiscalltoarms
Anyone else ever get in that mood to have an ULTRA HIGH GAIN Vai type tone on tap for like 1 lead per set? I'm looking for a pedal can do this kinda lead tone- it need not dominate for rhythm- just that compressed high gain lead tone. more gain that a MRD, but not as raw and biting as the Cliff. Suffice it to say, I don't think it'll be a BJFE pedal. What have you found that do those types of tones?
Re: Ultra High Gain Lead Tone

Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:48 pm
by huckleboogie
Lovepedal ProValve!! kickass higain pedal. thick lead tones , tons of gain on tap.
tho stacking pedals is maybe the best way to go for that purpose imo...
Re: Ultra High Gain Lead Tone

Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:36 pm
by Cobra
PGC>LGW>DRD = the tone you seek...
Re: Ultra High Gain Lead Tone

Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:48 pm
by BJF
It's not to often I use a sound like that these days, but I do like to run that sometimes to get a different feel and inspire a different way of playing.
I have ran PGC>LGW>DRD
LGW>DRD halfway drive settings on both
LGW>MRD also halfway setting on both- this combination gives maybe the most fluent- similar to the first combination but with more low midrange emphasis as opposed to high midrange emphasis.This is also a very low noise set up for the gainlevels involved.
What the LGW does in all of these is providing a predrive that both gives this thight for lack of better term string response as in all strings equal while when drawing a little gain here and a little gain there total nosie can be quiet low even at rather loud volumes.
Cliffhanger goes somewhere in the vincinity but is overall brighter and fits best with fairly highoutput pick ups and does not really go all the way to real easy playing. I've used Cliffhanger at a rehearsal -read louder than giglevels-and then ran Dist about halfway which resulted in a more oldschool sound than this thread is about.
I'd find either of these combinations to work albeit with different guitars and amplifiers and then again on some amps SBEQ is the key when connected last.......
Have fun
Re: Ultra High Gain Lead Tone

Sun Nov 09, 2008 10:37 pm
by Bobby D
LGW -- set to a low gain sound >>>> running into DRD set pretty much "normal" with all controls around noon ( i tweak treble up a bit due to my darker sounding amp) is a pretty gainy sound.
Honestly -- with the DRD alone, I can get nearly ALL the gain I want.
Oh yeah.......SBEQ after the DRD makes it bigger, fatter, and more present in the mix, and I don't have to rely on the FOH engineer to bump my solo volume

Re: Ultra High Gain Lead Tone

Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:13 am
by mfolet
I'm thinking replacing my Timmy with the SBEQ for solo boost.
Re: Ultra High Gain Lead Tone

Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:36 am
by Bobby D
mfolet wrote:I'm thinking replacing my Timmy with the SBEQ for solo boost.
DO IT......nothing agaist TImmy......but........the SBEQ is a "sleeper" pedal in the BJF line, and I was unsure about it when I traded my EGDM for it. Sure the EGDM may be worth a few more dollars, but the guy that I traded it to is the guy who sold me my DRD, so I don't care.....
SBEQ has made it so I don't have to worry about the FOH engineer or soundman to turn up my solos.....I set it for a slight volume AND slight treble boost.
Like Billy D Williams said about Colt 45 -- "It works EVERY time!"
Re: Ultra High Gain Lead Tone

Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:40 am
by mfolet
Thanks Bobby will do. A+ on the Santana article.
Re: Ultra High Gain Lead Tone

Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:19 pm
by NewarkWilder
big +1 on the SBEQ being such a great and underrated pedal. its an "always on" pedal for me just because it really adds some sparkle to my amp that I miss when its off, but it'd be perfect for the solo boost too. might even be worth having 2

Re: Ultra High Gain Lead Tone

Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:08 pm
by thiscalltoarms
Update, I found the tone I was looking for. Took a couple steps to line the stars up for the tone I was looking for:
1. Put down my ASAT and grab up my good ol Gibson SG. Need the Humbucker outputs.
2. Crank up my burst Eternity to mid gain (gain and treble around 1:30, slight boost)
3. MP MRD- Equal volume to the Bypassed Tone, Treble around 1oclock, and here's the kicker- gain backed off to around 10oclock.
4. Some mild delay from my TC Electronics- enough that you can tell its there, but way less than equal to the original signal- the first repeat is about 2/3 as loud as the attack.
Viola! Sounds SWEEEEEEET and higain! I'll have to get my hands on a LGW- perhaps next summer... Can't afford it now! just blew all my spare change for the next 3 months on AnalogHog's SYOD... noodles it is for me...