rejection -- as a musician -- how you do handle it????

I was recently asked by my alma mater college to come back and play shows and talk about my involvement in music, my thesis on ambient music, and my thoughts on things 10 years after this was all done.
While I was digging through my archives, I found an ENTIRE STASH of rejection letters from nearly every label that mattered in 1995.
4AD, Capital, Daniel Lanois (he at least gave me a personal note), Warner, Sony, Hollywood, on and on and on.
I just spread a few of them out on my guitar and shot a picture for the heck of it. I'm in a weird mood today.
But I still got that record (LVX Nova) signed. Even after all those rejection letters.
Don't let rejection in the music biz get you down. You gotta keep going for it.

While I was digging through my archives, I found an ENTIRE STASH of rejection letters from nearly every label that mattered in 1995.
4AD, Capital, Daniel Lanois (he at least gave me a personal note), Warner, Sony, Hollywood, on and on and on.
I just spread a few of them out on my guitar and shot a picture for the heck of it. I'm in a weird mood today.
But I still got that record (LVX Nova) signed. Even after all those rejection letters.
Don't let rejection in the music biz get you down. You gotta keep going for it.