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Ecomony Schmomony !!!

Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:08 pm
by Donner
So anyone freakin yet?
This is a very weird time in the world and Im not sure how I feel yet........
anyone wish to commiserate ???
Re: Ecomony Schmomony !!!

Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:51 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
In a way, I'm glad we are going through this. When you've become as accustomed to success as America has, it takes a crisis or two to wake up and get things straight again. If we didn't have $4 gas, no one would be concerned. If the stock market wasn't tanking, no one would be talking about what's going on in some of our institutions. Nothing wakes people up like consequences. So while tough times aren't fun, I think they can serve a good purpose in the long run.
Re: Ecomony Schmomony !!!

Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:28 pm
by Donner
Yeah just like a good hard storm blowing t hru cleans out the dead wood, I hope this is one that brings needed change without too much uneeded permanent damage.....
I just hope that this resolves in a good way................ but there has also been a loooooooooooong period of drifting apart from each other that leaves everyone isolated............
anyway,,, I think this will not pass quickly or peacefully
Re: Ecomony Schmomony !!!

Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:34 am
by cabo
touchy topic,,,,anyway heres a neat fact I found in the back of my TRowe Price newsletter which seems to lead more towards the root of the problem....
cost 1.26 cents to make a penny,,,2.7 billion in circulation,,,27 million $ face value, cost 34 million $ to produce.
the nickel is no bargain either which cost 7.7 cents to produce.
every dollar loaned to us from the Federal Reserve(which is a private corp and as federal as FedEx) is loan to our country at a percentage.
The only possible outcome from that is more debt.
(like aig loaning themselves money,,only on a way bigger scale.)
so around the corner is coming the Amero,,(thats the North American currency soon to take effect like the Euro, combines Canada US and Mexico currency),,
yes times are crazy!
Re: Ecomony Schmomony !!!

Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:48 am
by Donner
Yep theres some hard change a comin y'all
Im suprised t here are any pennys left with all the coper recylcers around.......
Its amazing,,, theres a whole wave of copper thieves, its always been there but recently - if you live in an isolated place and leave your house - copper pipes will soon be gone......
but hard times are also when peole finally get around to making changes that should have appened earlier...
and we are still just at the first steps of Globalization.....
Re: Ecomony Schmomony !!!

Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:00 pm
by GDKing
Donner wrote:Yep theres some hard change a comin y'all
Im suprised t here are any pennys left with all the coper recylcers around.......
Its amazing,,, theres a whole wave of copper thieves, its always been there but recently - if you live in an isolated place and leave your house - copper pipes will soon be gone......
but hard times are also when peole finally get around to making changes that should have appened earlier...
and we are still just at the first steps of Globalization.....
They stole the 18th century ornate copper gutters at my church, they just got ripped off last week funny you should mention it.
Re: Ecomony Schmomony !!!

Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:04 am
by bjf-crazy

...what Cabo said..............
Re: Ecomony Schmomony !!!

Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:07 am
by Eskimo_Joe
cabo wrote:touchy topic,,,,anyway heres a neat fact I found in the back of my TRowe Price newsletter which seems to lead more towards the root of the problem....
cost 1.26 cents to make a penny,,,2.7 billion in circulation,,,27 million $ face value, cost 34 million $ to produce.
the nickel is no bargain either which cost 7.7 cents to produce.
every dollar loaned to us from the Federal Reserve(which is a private corp and as federal as FedEx) is loan to our country at a percentage.
The only possible outcome from that is more debt.
(like aig loaning themselves money,,only on a way bigger scale.)
so around the corner is coming the Amero,,(thats the North American currency soon to take effect like the Euro, combines Canada US and Mexico currency),,
yes times are crazy!
I can someday a common currency with Canada potentially, but there would have to be epic changes in Mexico for the US to link up with them in any such important way.
Re: Ecomony Schmomony !!!

Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:15 pm
by Donner
Eskimo_Joe wrote:cabo wrote:touchy topic,,,,anyway heres a neat fact I found in the back of my TRowe Price newsletter which seems to lead more towards the root of the problem....
cost 1.26 cents to make a penny,,,2.7 billion in circulation,,,27 million $ face value, cost 34 million $ to produce.
the nickel is no bargain either which cost 7.7 cents to produce.
every dollar loaned to us from the Federal Reserve(which is a private corp and as federal as FedEx) is loan to our country at a percentage.
The only possible outcome from that is more debt.
(like aig loaning themselves money,,only on a way bigger scale.)
so around the corner is coming the Amero,,(thats the North American currency soon to take effect like the Euro, combines Canada US and Mexico currency),,
yes times are crazy!
I can someday a common currency with Canada potentially, but there would have to be epic changes in Mexico for the US to link up with them in any such important way.
Very true - I remember thinking about t hat when the euro was being floated as a comparison ---- how far would you get proposing a Nafta dollar ??
Re: Ecomony Schmomony !!!

Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:10 pm
by jkranitz
With all the unstabilty lately, it makes me wonder if the USA may have some kind of financial collapse in the near future.
The Debt of the US us so huge, it seems like it can never be repaid.
If the dollar collapsed and was reintroduced as the Amero for a North American Union, would it lead to better trade and stability in the US econommy?
Not trying to sound like a doomsday or fanatic here, but there is plently on interesting reading if you google the web for USA economic collapse.
Thoughts or Ideas welcomed as to where the US might be headed in the future?