Re: Ecomony Schmomony !!!

jkranitz wrote:With all the unstabilty lately, it makes me wonder if the USA may have some kind of financial collapse in the near future.
The Debt of the US us so huge, it seems like it can never be repaid.
If the dollar collapsed and was reintroduced as the Amero for a North American Union, would it lead to better trade and stability in the US econommy?
Not trying to sound like a doomsday or fanatic here, but there is plently on interesting reading if you google the web for USA economic collapse.
Thoughts or Ideas welcomed as to where the US might be headed in the future?
Joe "REX 84", or "FEMA TRAINS" or "FEMA CAMPS"
the US is already preparing for collapse, and the institution of Martial Law.
I'm not a tinfoil hat wearing kind of guy. But I really wish I could move to Italy right now and get OUT of the USA....