Ever regret selling a pedal you never used?

Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:13 am
by scottcw
I recently sold SWF #3 and had pangs of remorse as I boxed it up even though I hardly used it. I also listed MGMV #5 for sale and am having second thoughts even though I rarely use it. It's almost like I would rather have them and not use them than not have them. Has anyone else experienced this?
Re: Ever regret selling a pedal you never used?

Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:22 am
by Eskimo_Joe
I can relate. I get sentimentally attached to things so when I was selling off some pedals earlier, it was kind of hard because I remembered using them for a gig or something in the past and it's almost like having the pedal makes the memory more real. But for the most part, the regret subsides. The flip side is selling one pedal can open up the opportunity to buy a new pedal (or other gear).
PS The SWF will receive lots of love and rock 'n roll in my possession.

Re: Ever regret selling a pedal you never used?

Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:20 pm
by bjf-crazy
Well this is for pedals i did not test enough and sold..............the old saying i had it right the first time,i sold the SBEQ,DYNA RED,MGMV,MRD........at the time i was just trying pedals out,,,,Fast Foward to **now** i went back and was able to buy a dyna red(thanks to Matt) then i purchased the following-emerald green distortion,baby pink booster,honey bee,deep blue delay,model H ,sparkling yellow overdrive,pink purple fuzz,fire red fuzz.......and i am now looking for a snow white fuzz,cliffhanger and Sbeq,,and MGMV,PHASER..........SO ...now i am off looking to add more bjf pedals for my future recording project-----****SO I WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYBODY THAT SOLD ME THESE PEDALS**** Also thanks to Bjorn for building jaw dropping pedals and Donner for having the best site on the internet!!!!
Re: Ever regret selling a pedal you never used?

Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:44 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
bjf-crazy wrote:Well this is for pedals i did not test enough and sold..............the old saying i had it right the first time,i sold the SBEQ,DYNA RED,MGMV,MRD........at the time i was just trying pedals out,,,,Fast Foward to **now** i went back and was able to buy a dyna red(thanks to Matt) then i purchased the following-emerald green distortion,baby pink booster,honey bee,deep blue delay,model H ,sparkling yellow overdrive,pink purple fuzz,fire red fuzz.......and i am now looking for a snow white fuzz,cliffhanger and Sbeq,,and MGMV,PHASER..........SO ...now i am off looking to add more bjf pedals for my future recording project-----****SO I WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYBODY THAT SOLD ME THESE PEDALS**** Also thanks to Bjorn for building jaw dropping pedals and Donner for having the best site on the internet!!!!
From one addict to another, rock on!

Re: Ever regret selling a pedal you never used?

Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:51 pm
by thisfire
Selling my PPF was a touch choice. I decided that I just wasn't a fuzz guy, but boxing and shipping still made me think twice!
Re: Ever regret selling a pedal you never used?

Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:32 pm
by Donner
sure, usually happens when you change another part of your rig and cant quite find the right other peices to match...
new speaker cab that works better with your amp, but now your distortion sounds wrong so you immidiately start wondering how the pedals you HAD would have worked......
this is why i kept a too big stable of pedals around for so long
but now Im pretty confidant I can tweek or stack the BJF herd into just about anything i could ever need ---