BJFE pedals have a voltage range within which they can operate safely - limits are set by the safe range for the parts used or when the sound deteriorates. A change in voltage can also alter the profile of the pedal's tone, distortion etc. However, operating the pedal above the specific voltage could, and in some cases will, harm your pedal. For some models the usable voltage window has been expanded through the models life with the following defining the current regulated voltage ranges supported by various BJFE pedals:
Aqua Marine Wonder Machine (AMWM): 9V-24V
Arctic White Fuzz (AWF): 9V-18V
Baby Blue Overdrive (BBOD): #001-100 7.5V-15V; #100-500 7.5V-18V
Baby Pink Booster (BPB): 7.5V-18V applies to all but the very first units that had upper limit of 15V
BlueBerry Bass Overdrive (BBBOD): 7V-15V
Candy Apple Fuzz (CAF): #001-010 7.5V-15V; #011 and above 7.5V-18V
Cliff Hanger (CH): 8V-12V; 9V is prefered as bandwidth diminishes at higher voltage.
Dyna Red Distortion (DRD): All models 5V-15V
Emerald Green Distortion Machine (EGDM): 8V-18V
Folk Fuzz 3,5% (FF): 7.5V-18V
Folk Phaser (FP): 9V
Honey Bee Deluxe Overdrive (HBDOD): 8V-15V; 12V is suggested
Honey Bee Overdrive (HBO): 7V-15V
Little Green Emphaser (LGE): 8V-18V; circuit is internally regulated so higher voltage won't change the sound
Little Green Wonder (LGW): Using TLC272 chip 5V-12V; Using LF353 chip 8V-24V
Little Red Trebler (LRT): 7.5V-18V
Mighty Green MiniVibe (MGMV): Mint Green MiniVibe 8V-18V; Mighty Green MiniVibe 8V-18V
Mighty Green MiniVibe Deluxe (MGMV DLX): 8V-18V
Model H (MH): 8V-12V
Model R (MR): 8V-12V
Pine Green Compressor (PGC): #001-020 8V-12V; #021 and above and all Pine Green Compressors 8V-18V
Pink Purple Fuzz (PPF): #001-010 7.5V-12V; #011 and above 7.5V-18V
Purple Humper (PH): 18V
Purple Plum Phaser (PPP): 9V
Red Rooster Booster (RRB): 7.5V-18V
Saffron Yellow Tremolo (SYT): 8V-18V
Sea Blue EQ (SBEQ): 9V-18V
Snow White Fuzz (SWF): 9V-18V
Sparkling Yellow Overdrive (SYOD): 9V
Voltage Controlled Filter (VCF): 9V; four knob version 9V-18V
Although I try to be as accurate as possible there is no guarantee or warranty that the information in this thread is 100% accurate. All the information is thoroughly researched and double-checked however memories fade, stories develop and things change. Therefore, be careful when using this information and perform your own research to make sure you are happy with what you are being told. Remember, this is not an official BJFE thread so don't blame them, or me for that matter, if the above is not right, we do the best we can

Updated: 15th June 2010