1. Brief descriptions of all the known Bjorn Juhl Forstarker Elektronik (BJFE) pedals.
2. Pedals grouped into categories such as overdrive, distortion, deluxe etc. This section ignores Customer One-Offs that are Cosmetic Changes Only.
3. Pedal ancestry showing how certain circuits/pedals have developed over their life.
The majority of BJs hand-built pedals will have hand-painted artwork on the inside of the backplate, painted by BJs wife Eva. Because these are art pieces these painting will slightly change over time (or may have different interpretations) and the painting may be accompanied by words or sayings. Most of the artwork is based on things that you can find in Swedish nature.
For further information the BJFE Pedal Registry provides a text-based registry of BJFE pedals owned by BJFE Forum members. If you are aware of any other pedals of pedal-related facts then simply message mrpicard.
BJFE pedals can be categorized as follows:
- Out of Production: These pedals are no longer made.
- Current Production: These pedals can be ordered from Custom-Sounds.
- Custom-Sounds Custom Shop: These can only be ordered after direct discussion with the Custom Shop at Custom-Sounds. There is no guarantee that BJ will build these; it all depends on his workload and overall pedal commitments.
- BJFE Forum Research: These pedals/projects are currently being run via the BJFE Forum and can only be won via competitions on the BJFE Forum. The purpose of these pedals is to collect feedback for the possible development of Current Production pedals or Custom-Sounds Custom Shop pedals.
- Do-It-Yourself Projects: These are designs placed by BJ into the public arena for others to build. BJ may also produce a limited run of these pedals.
- Limited Edition: These are pedals that BJ produced in limited supply or were intended to be "one-offs" that grew in popularity. For example, BJ used to give every 100th customer a companion pedal; the Baby Pink Booster was originally a companion for the 100th Baby Blue Overdrive and the Little Green Emphaser was the companion for the 100th Dyna Red Distortion. BJ then went on to produce more units of these.
- Prototypes: These are Custom-Sounds Custom Shop, BJFE Forum Research or Limited Edition projects that evolved into Current Production pedals or other projects.
- Customer One-Offs: These are one-off pedals created for individual customers. These are usually special paint jobs for existing production pedals.
The following provides a brief description of all the known BJFE pedals:
Out of Production
Baby Blue Overdrive (BBOD) - Dynamic pre-amp tube distortion, although it is technically more of a fuzz pedal with dynamic overdrive features (released 16th December 2000, retired 25th June 2007, 500 made). The very first BBOD was called the "FUZZ 1" and was originally designed using BJs '63 Fender Stratocaster, which has a Seymour Duncan QP in bridge. The colour of the first 82 or so units came from the same jar of paint that was also used on BJs '63 Stratocaster - this is a shade that was mixed in 1983 in the sunshine using a number of tints while looking at the spring cavity of an original 1961 Stratocaster. There are slight differences between BBODs, showing a progression over time of both the circuit and components used. However, there was a major revision (V2) at serial #219 whereby the circuit was permanently modified to (a) make the output less sensitive to loading and (b) increase the output by 6dB (this change was based on the work done on the Baby Pink Overdrive, which was originally developed as a special gift for BBOD #100). As a result of the work that he did on #209, #210 and #211, BJ thought that the BBOD sounded better with the low impedance output and therefore from BBOD #212 onwards all BBODs have the low impedance modification. From #219 onwards BJ also increased the output by 6dB and hence the V2 circuit change was complete. Normally pedals are enclosed in the ELFA K-430 however supply was constrained so at one time a few BBODs were made in the more square box made by Hammond UK. Some other individual pedal differences are:
- Early versions of the BBOD may have used blue wire. However, there are no special blue, red, black, green wire "versions" of the BBOD.
- Serial number #051 is actually numbered "Area 51" and has a painted spaceman on the backplate with writing that says "Hello Earth" (see note below).
- Serial numbers #209, #210 and #211. One customer purchased these three BBODs and had them modified to have both a high and low impedance output. Unfortunately he did not like the result so he had them all changed back to stock. These three pedals are identified by a bolt that plugs a hole on the side of the pedal next to the output jack and they also have an extra PCB on the inside (pedal #209 has the message "wish you", pedal #210 has the message "well" and #211 has the message "Shon" giving you the total message of "wish you well Shon").
- Serial number #212 marks the implementation of the low impedance output modification (see above).
- Serial number #219 marks the start of BBOD V2 (see above).
- Serial number #270 is not really any different but it still has a "BJF effects FT-#270" sticker on the side and a "Tahara inc. Sound Communications Distributor" sticker on the bottom.
- Serial number #478 is called "Baby Pink Overdrive" (see note below).
The BBOD was discontinued due to parts shortage. However, Bjorn was able to find a limited supply of the transistors originally used in the BBOD. Therefore, in December 2012 released a limited run of 30 BBOD pedals through the Custom Sounds store. The backplate artwork for the BBOD is a bear's face (some early ones have a full bear waving).
Baby Pink Booster (BPB) - Provides a buffered line driver and distortion-free level boost of up to 18dB (released 26th August 2001, retired 17th February 2010). The BPB boosts just the volume and does not alter your tone, the distortion characteristics or the dynamics - what goes in is what comes out, just louder. This was originally created as a companion for the 100th BBOD. and, in the words of BJ, "delivered by my favourite Greek taxidriver in Norway at the door". Later parts of this circuit were included in V2 of the BBOD. Some other individual pedal differences are:
- Serial number #087 is called "Baby Blue Booster" (see note below).
The backplate artwork is a pig's face.
BlueBerry Bass Overdrive (3BOD) - An overdrive for basses (released 21st December 2001, retired January 2010). This is also sometimes listed as the BBBOD. The paint used for the BBOD was called "Mahogany" and came from a paint jar from the 1950s, the contents of which were originally used to repair acoustic instruments. Before the BBOD was discontinued and moved to the Mad Professor product line this paint jar ran out so a few of the last BBOD have a slightly different tint, referred to as " blueberries picked in Finland", and some have no paint at all. The backplate artwork is a bowl of blueberries (some early ones have a full bear holding a basket full of blueberries).
Little Green Wonder (LGW) - Updated tube screamer style (released 8th January 2003, 117 made). This was originally designed with a Les Paul and then it was matched with the PGC and a Fender Stratocaster. The LGW provides a smooth relatively simple distortion, which is fine for smooth use on a clean sound or for enhancing a crunchy distorted sound. The first 75, or so, LGW's came with the National Semiconductor LF353 chip installed; later LGWs (from the beginning of 2005) came with the Texas Instruments TLC272 chip installed. In the last LGWs the chip was socketed so that the customer could experiment with different chips. The LF353 is preferred if you require more headroom, however, the LF353 does not like voltage below 8V's and so the TLC272 was used to enable the pedal to work at lower voltages. The TLC272 also provides slightly more complexity in distortion. After about 40 units the value of the "Body" pot was changed to give smoother taper. The LGW was replaced by the Mad Professor Little Green Wonder - the MP LGW is made like the last revision of of the BJFE LGW and is the version that BJ was "most pleased with".
Some individual pedal differences are:
- There is a LGW without a serial number and has "LGW Special" written on the backplate above the drawing above the thumbs-up drawing. This pedal has a little more gain on tap via the Body Control. Member hawaii121 also performed a small mod, under instructions from BJ, to stop the signal coming through even when the pedal was off.
- Serial number #100 was called the Candy Red Wonder.
The backplate artwork is a thumbs up sign.
Little Red Trebler (LRT) - Like a variable "bright" switch on a Fender amp (released 22nd January 2002, retired 17th February 2010). It was originally designed using a Flying V with light humbuckers (about the same level as P-90's). Like a number of the BJFE pedals, the LRT does have a buffer - however, some LRT pedals were ordered with hardwire bypass. The buffer in the LRT was initially first just like the one in BPB but at #009 the buffer was slightly modified, but it still operated relatively the same. Some other individual pedal differences are:
- Serial number #002 is called "Candy Red Trebler" (see note below).
In February 2010 this circuit was merged into the Mad Professor Ruby Red Booster. The backplate artwork is Little Red Riding Hood.
Pink Purple Fuzz (PPF) - Vintage fuzz updated (released 9th March 2002, retired October 2007, 179 made). The PPF was originally designed for a Fender Stratocaster with a Seymour Duncan QP in bridge. This pedal was discontinued due to parts shortage and because the controls were not quite traditional. With regards to the controls, if you set the Nature control at noon then turning it clockwise will attenuate the highs quite a bit when fully clockwise and when you turn it counter-clockwise from noon you boost low mids and bass. The reason for this type of control is partly so that the filtering can follow the fuzz level and also so an overdrive type sound can be obtained when setting Nature at clockwise and also so that with brighter amps the critical treble can be trimmed from somewhat nasal at Nature clockwise to where it just opens up with Nature slightly backed off. On darker amps this portion of the Nature control may make less sense to none at all, while with some brighter amps it can be the exact line between bright and an icepick. The shade of colour was originally mixed from fiesta red, baby blue and baby pink. Some other individual pedal differences are:
- Serial number #135 is called "Li'L Liam Fuzz" (see note below).
- Serial number #139 is called "Blueberry Fuzz" (see note below).
- Serial number #142 is called "Baltic Blue Fuzz" (see note below).
This sound is unconventional and maybe considered a bit weird and actually is part of the reason PPF was discontinued - the PPF was confusing for people because it was neither a traditional fuzz nor overdrive nor distortion. The backplate artwork is the ear and earring from a Tremolo Troll.
Red Rooster Booster (RRB) - Up to 33dB of boost (released 27th May 2003, retired 17th February 2010). The RRB is a very high headroom booster that differs from the BPB in that it provides a lot more boost and it is meant to push an amp into distortion. On higher settings the RRB will produce some natural distortion of its own to go with the boost. The RRB has a flat EQ profile and can even be used with bass and it will not boost any treble. The early models had a flat fiesta-red color and were covered in Nitrocellulose lacquer. The color was changed to a brighter oil-based color in 2004. Some other individual pedal differences are:
- Serial number #075 is called "Wendy Lee Love Boost" (see note below).
In February 2010 this circuit was merged into the Mad Professor Ruby Red Booster. The backplate artwork is a rooster.
Saffron Yellow Tremolo (SYT) - The Mad Professor Mellow Yellow Tremolo is not the same circuit as the SYT but has the same "theory of operation" (released 4th December 2002, 39 made). Warning: Do not use the SYT with the bottom plate removed as this is a risk of injury. The backplate artwork is either one troll or two sitting trolls - they are cute and have bare feet and curly hair but are a pain to get into the box.
Current Production
Candy Apple Fuzz (CAF) - From heavy gated fuzz to octave doubling fuzz and all points in between (released 28th October 2001). The very first CAF was called the "FUZZ 3" and was originally designed for use with a light humbucker and P-90's. Since then there have been three changes to the circuit, being:
1. After about 13 units were made the first pair of transistors were replaced with lower beta transistors.
2. The "Fuzz" control was modified to give access to fuzz at lower settings. This was suggested by session guitarist Sebastian Nylund who (a) wanted to get more synth-like sounds and (b) be able to lower the volume on his guitar to lower the fuzz.
3. After discussion with Teahead, who wanted to get the the perfect balance between gating and playability, another trimpot was added to allow a setting beyond what the "Nature" control could provide.
Some other individual pedal differences are:
- There is an early nitro, flat amber painted CAF that is in a narrow Hammond box - this was painted from the very last jar of paint and does not have a serial number but it is between #020 and #025.
- Serial number #001 is called "Green Apple Fuzz" (see note below).
- Serial number #032 is called "Tasty Apple Fuzz" (see note below).
- Serial number #122 has a slightly different paint job in that the top and bottom is red but the sides are white - the white 'skirt' is meant to show contrast and create a table surface, sort of. The pedal also has yellow text and an amber LED. There is only one CAF painted like this.
From the beginning the CAF was painted in see-through red with the first ones made in nitro and with black text. However, BJ thought that the sound of the CAF was such that it needed a shiny cherry red colour and the hard-to-read black letters were replaced with gold one to make the text easier to see. The backplate artwork is a snarling wolf's head (some early ones have red eyes and red teeth, like there is blood on them).
Dyna Red Distortion (DRD) - Dynamic, harmonic "plexi" kind of nature (released 9th May 2001). The DRD provides distortion from almost none to fairly heavy and can give a crunchy sound to a cleaner amplifier. With the Drive control below 12 o'clock the pedal provides dynamic distortion whereas above 12 o'clock it is full distortion regardless of your pick attack. The DRD can be used with distorted amplifiers but in this instance there may be just a bit too much crunch. So, the DRD would be the choice if the amp is needed to run fairly clean and then DRD can add the desired amount of distortion so that. If you want to go into real easy play, yet defined sounds, then hook up guitar->LGW->DRD. It is not really suited to Vox amps, where the EGDM, HBOD, RRB or LGW would be a better choice. The very first DRD was called the "FUZZ 2" and like the CAF was originally designed for use with a light humbucker and P-90's. The early models had a flat red color and were covered in Nitrocellulose lacquer. The color was changed to a brighter oil-based color in 2004. As stated, this was designed for P-90 pickups and if you want the same kind of sound that is better suited to a Fender Stratocaster then BJ suggests you consider the Mad Professor Might Red Distortion (MRD) pedal. A tip on the DRD is to run it at 7.5 V or a little less, which gives it a bit more saturation. Some other individual pedal differences are:
- Serial number #179 has cat artwork on the front bottom right.
- Serial number #214 has what appears to be three yellow dots and five green dots painted on the bottom right of the front. Those dots are actually stickers that were placed on by a previous owner and is not the work of BJ, Eva or Donner; closer inspection shows that the yellow dots are smiley faces, and the green dots are clovers.
- Serial number #267 is called "Dynamic Orange Distortion" (see note below).
- Serial number #300 has a blue LED.
- Serial number #360 is called "Doc Rock's Distortion" (see note below).
The backplate artwork on the DRD is a cat on its front paws arching its back and tail (some early pedals just have the back of a cat or the back of two cats sitting together with one looking at the other).
Emerald Green Distortion Machine (EGDM) - Voxy distortion booster (released 30th September 2003). The pedal was originally requested by by Deano/Pinkstrat as a distortion pedal for a Komet 60 amp however BJ did not have a Komet amp so he designed it using a late 60's VOX AC15 Twin with two Alnico 10"s instead (also, some people wanted a Vox-type drive as well). It was originally designed using a Flying V with light humbuckers (about the same level as P-90's) and was conceived to work with an already distorted sound. The early models had a flat green color and were covered in Nitrocellulose lacquer. The color was changed to a brighter oil-based color in 2004. The controls on the pedal are somewhat non-standard as in the "Drive" control also effects the compression level and the "Voice" control adjusts more than the treble. The idea, as on a Vox amp, is that with both controls to the left it is clean and bright and as you turn them up it adds distortion and compression and the treble rolls off and there is a bass 'flub'. On top of this there is an internal trimmer (added at around #7) to help adjust the treble. The backplate artwork is a ringed planet in the clouds with a comet streaking through - the comet symbolises the Komet 60 amp.
Honey Bee Overdrive (HBOD) - Mild dynamic overdrive, like and old Supro (released 4th December 2002). This was originally designed using a Flying V with light humbuckers (about the same level as P-90's). BJ prefers to demo the HBOD with a Les Paul to show the dynamic range. The HBOD combines very well with the EGDM as they can combine to cover each others weaknesses - the HBOD has low compression while the EGDM has quite a bit; the HBOD's distortion is controlled via the pick force and input level whereas the EGDM's output is near constant (while the distortion level is dynamically controlled). So, the voice control on EGDM can be used to set the pre-emphasis of sound into the HBOD. The backplate artwork is a honey pot with a bee over it (sometimes the word "Honey" is on the pot).
Mighty Green MiniVibe (MGMV) - A vibrato, like an organ, not like a temolo of phaser (released 22nd January 2002, 75+ made to date). The early models were called the Mint Green MiniVibe had a flat green color and were covered in Nitrocellulose lacquer. The color was changed to a brighter oil-based color in 2004. The MGMV contains a trimmer for setting the effect level volume versus the bypass volume; the factory setting is about unity gain. Some other individual pedal differences are:
- Serial number #021 is called "Sea Blue MiniVibe" (see note below).
- Serial number #023 is called "Mighty Blue MiniVibe" (see note below).
- Serial number #034 is the "Katrina Auction MiniVibe" (see note below).
- Serial number #082 is called "Mint Green MiniVibe" (see note below).
The backplate artwork is a naked woman of the type found in in a peculiar comic book; it is also a mythical woman seen in the woods, one that seduces men in the way she moves and lures them into the woods but she's got a hole in her back - she is dangerous!!.
Mighty Green MiniVibe Deluxe (MGMV DLX) - 2-Stomp version of the MGMV (22 made to date). The very first MGMV DLX was made for the person who makes the BJFE T-shirts and sells them on eBay. The first review of the pedal was written by the demo guy for Dr Z amps. There is also one MGMV DLX in existence that was actually converted from a standard MGMV. There are three trimmers (a) the trimmer on the PCB sets the gain and is used to set unity gain so that there is no level difference when toggling the effect on and off (b) the trimmer on the footswitch closest to the battery sets the velocity in the small cupsize mode and then overrides the top-mounted Velocity control (c) the trimmer farthest from battery and also mounted on the footswitch sets the Amplitude when in small cupsize mode but it is dependent on the topmounted Amplitude control. Some other individual pedal differences are:
- Serial number #025 is called "Mint Green MiniVibe" (see note below).
- Serial number #053 is called "Mighty Copper MiniVibe" (see note below).
The backplate artwork is the same as the MGMV.
Pine Green Compressor (PGC) - Wide band low distortion compression with tone control (released 4th December 2002). BJ originally designed the PGC because he wanted to cover some Beatles songs - most of The Beatles recordings are heavily compressed with an Abbey Road RS-124 compressor used on virtually every guitar track (the RS-124 is an EMI modified Altec 436B). So, BJ made himself a compressor to created this compressed Beatles-guitar sound. This first pedals only had two Controls but this was later increased to three Controls, with the new "Body" Control providing EQ adjustment, to make the pedal more useful for a wide range of styles. As you increase the compressions the treble is accentuated and so the Body Control helps maintain the balance - in fact, the Body Control provides a slight rolloff of the treble, just like a classic guitar compressor. The early model was called the Pale Green Compressor had a flat green color and were covered in Nitrocellulose lacquer. The color was changed to a brighter oil-based color in 2004. About 3 or 4 pedals went out with the new "Pine" colour but the word "Pale" was still painted on the pedal. There is at least one PGC in a special Gunner enclosure. Some other individual pedal differences are:
- Serial number #054 is called "Pale Green Compressor" (see note below).
The backplate artwork is the underneath of a foot.
Pine Green Compressor Deluxe (PGC DLX) - effectively a BJFE version of the Mad Professor Forest Green Compressor. The controls from left-to-right are Balance (or Body), Volume, Body and Compress and there are two switches being Sustain and Bypass and there are two LEDs, being red and orange. When engaged, as shown by the orange LED, the pedal operates the same as the PGC. However, Sustain switches the pedal between between compressor and sustainer modes (indicated by the red LED) and the Balance control balances the switching between these two modes. The backplate artwork is a the underside of a foot.
Sea Blue EQ (SBEQ) - Booster pedal with active EQ (released 6th September 2004). This is not a transparent booster. The SBEQ when compared to RRB has maximum flat gain similar to the BPB but a little higher so it corresponds to the RRB with the Gain set to 1 O'clock. The frequency bands that are affected during the boost or cut are set empirically, as in let's proceed on whatever sounds good and there is no center point on that. However, the SBEQ can be set flat minus some of the upper band, but not more than an Alnico speaker provides. The volume control sets the output and the bass and treble controls set the cut or gain for those frequencies with a flat response being Bass at 9 O'clock and Treble at 12 O'clock. The SBEQ is designed to take overload, like with BPB and RRB, only with the SBEQ there can be more overload regardless of the output level but depending on settings of the EQ controls and the incoming level. There is at least one SBEQ in a Gunner enclosure that has sea life scribed into the paintwork. The backplate artwork is a seal on the rocks.
Custom-Sounds Custom Shop
Model H (MH) - Pete Townshend's Hiwatt (39 DonnerBox, 77 in K-430 enclosures). This was originally designed with a Les Paul. So far there have been two versions of the circuit; like all research pedals the first batch has more "klang" and headroom, which is great on the right rig, but then they get tweaked for wider appeal and the Model H is still in the tweaking process. The first version of the Model H, now known as V1, came in Sparkling Black DonnerBoxes with the majority of the rest being in see-though black with swirls. V2 of the circuit, introduced at serial number #070, has less low mids and is a bit more aggressive and not as "dark" on most amps. The V2 enclosures tend to be in opaque black. There is also a limited research version of the Model H, called the Model HT, that has an internal treble trimmer (see below). There are a few Model H pedals with different paint jobs such as:
- There is a small batch with a textured look/feel - Donner tried to get the paint to react so it would shriven up to look like Tolex on a Hiwatt.
- There is a see-though black one with a H finger painted on top.
- Serial numbers #067 to #069 have a solid black paint job with white lettering - this is because BJ had thought of introducing the V2 circuit and a new paint scheme at #067 but he was not sure of the circuit so he held off and these pedals ended up with the V1 circuit instead. When he did introduce the V2 circuit at #070 he also decided on a more opaque colour scheme rather than the proposed black with white lettering.
- There is one "10th Anniversary" V2 pedal painted by Gunner in black with gold leaf to celebrate 10 years of BJFE - this pedal resides in China.
Some other individual pedal differences are:
- The very first Model H's had such a wide frequency response that one stage could pick up radio under certain circumstances so in later pedals BJ restricted the bandwidth at that stage.
- Due to a smear in the paper of the schematic one value of a capacitor got the wrong decimal and so some V1 units have more low mids than they should.
- Serial number #070 is actually signifiant as it is from and including #070 that V2 of the circuit was implemented. BJ had to make a decision at #067 whether he would implement the V2 circuit and decided to slightly delay its implementation at #070. The owner later sent #070 to BJ and had it further modified to add the second version of the Model HT treble trimpot.
- On later V2 pedals BJ has marked on the solderside of the PCB two points and you can short to convert the pedal to a V1 circuit.
The backplate artwork is a windmill in a field - invoked Pete's windmill action.
BJFE Forum Research
Arctic White Fuzz (AWF) - Fuzz pedal that grew out of the SOF, which in turn was based on the SWF (released July 2008, 6 made). This was originally designed with a Les Paul in mind (see the notes on the SWF). Because the AWF is a research project there some variations. The AWF is the SOF schema but after a few pedals a version with increased gain was requested. Once made, all future AWF pedals had this increased gain. There may also be one or two other minor revisions along the way, such as changes in the filter, tighter bass or more focused mids. Because BJ ran out of snow he made a few Arctic Light Fuzzes that were in plain boxes with brushed surface. The backplate artwork is a nighttime snow scene.
Arctic Light Fuzzes(ALF) - AWF that were in plain boxes with brushed surface (because BJ ran out of snow).
Big Talent Booster (BTB) - Component built into every BJFE pedal (first discussed and then incorporated on 02 September 2004)
Model G (MG) - Models the sound of the Gibson GA-40. These are extremely rare and usually come in hand-painted gold enclosures. Some other individual pedal differences are:
- There is one "10th Anniversary" Gunner black and gold pedal to celebrate 10 years of BJFE - this pedal resides in China.
- There is an early version that has paint on the sides but has a bare, non-painted top; BJ refers to this as the "face-off" pedal.
- Serial number #007 is completely painted in gold, with no black pattern like others, and has "BJFE License to thrill" on the front and BJFE License to thrill" written on the backplate.
The backplate is a drawing of Oliver, BJs wonderful dog.
Model HT (MHT) - Model H with an internal treble trimmer that allows the treble frequencies to be matched better with the amp/speakers that the pedal is paired with. Originally 12 were made available to members of the BJFE Forum. Later, BJ upgraded the internal trimmer to give it more scope and so some of the 12 pedals were sent back for this update and at the same time Donner found an additional spare pedal (13 made).
Sparkle Face (SF) - Based on the Fuzz Face but more gain available, much less noise, led and typical polarity etc. This also became a DIY project with the schema posted in the forum.
Sparkling Yellow Overdrive Version 2 (SYOD V.2) - Less bright SYOD (see below for details on the original SYOD) with an EQ better suited to boosting the DRD (released February 2009). The initial V.2 "sparkly" Donnerbox enclosure is much more golden than the yellow Donnerbox enclosure used for the V.1 pedal. This circuit has also had a very limited release as the Saffron Yellow Overdrive, which is the SYOD V.2 circuit inside a yellow enclosure hand-painted by BJ. SYOD V.2 pedals start from serial number B3 and above. The backplate artwork is a frog (same as the latter SYOD V.1 pedals).
Do-It-Yourself Projects
Folk Fuzz (FF) - Vintage fuzz project intended to be built buy do-it-yourself builders. The schema was first published in the guitar magazine "FUZZ". The Folk Fuzz was originally designed using a Flying V with light humbuckers (about the same level as P-90's).
Folk Fuzz 3.5% (FF DLX) - This is the "Deluxe" version of the Folk Fuzz and has more gain/fuzz than the standard Folk Fuzz. The 3.5% (or 3,5% in European format) is a reference to alcohol content in beer; it implies the "strength" of the fuzz. The Folk Fuzz is like a regular/standard beer in terms of how fuzzy or crazy it gets. You can think of the PPF as maybe 5.0%. The CAF would be more like a Belgian Trappist beer, with an alcohol content of 7.5%. So the higher the number, the higher the overall fuzz and craze feel of the pedal. Although originally a DIY project BJ did actually build and sell a few FF pedals himself and these were supplied in Donner painted boxes, the swirly color ones. In August 2008 jfromel created, in association with Donner and BJ, the "Folk Fuzz Kit" which provided all the components/parts required in order to build a Folk Fuzz 3.5% pedal (Nick at NOC3 also assisted with the circuit and PCB). In July 2009 " Folk Fuzz Round II" was released with the kit being upgraded to include a special enclosure painted by Donner - the kit was shipped around September 2009. The backplate artwork is a beer can with 3.5% on it.
Folk pFaze 4.5% - Light Phase 45 project (released January 2009, 0 made)
Limited Editions
Baby Blue Overdrive Deluxe (BBOD DLX) - BPB + BBOD. The backplate artwork is a bear in the forest with a cat and the moon. (6 made)
Honey Bee Overdrive Deluxe (HBOD DLX) - HBOD + BPB with slightly brighter EQ (22 made). The BPB stage comes after the HBOD stage. Inside there is a little trimmer to set pregain and it comes set at lowest level giving the pedal the default low-gain profile of the HBOD. The backplate artwork is a full pig one one side and a honey pot with a bee over it on the other (symbolising the merger of the HBOD and BPB pedals - the pig can be in different poses).
[d]Copper Echoverb[/b] - This pedal has two delay times, controlled via the second footswitch. One delay can be set for slow, the other fast. The toggle changes the type of delay repeats. This is a warm sounding echo unit with an analogue flavour.
Little Green Emphaser (LGE) - Originally a booster gift for DRD #200 but then a few more were made after requests (8 made). Although a booster it has a light distortion and the knob does a bass cut in one direction and and treble booster in the other direction. It was originally designed for a Fender Stratocaster with a Seymour Duncan QP in bridge. There is at least one LGE in a special Gunner enclosure. The backplate artwork for the first LGE was a coastal scene and subsequent pedals where a thumbs up sign, exactly the same as the LGW.
Mighty Red Distortion (MRD) - The first MRD was made for a friend of BJs to use in his studio; this pedal was originally housed in a red enclosure but the contents were swapped out and placed into a second enclosure as the first enclosure was actually owned by MP. BJ then decided to make a second prototype that had better noise cancelling techniques, and a more silent chip (by comparison the first prototype is a little softer but with more noise). BJ then took this second prototype (also in a red enclosure) with him to demo at shows and this circuit later became the same circuit for the Mad Professor MRD. This second prototype was then later housed in a special Gunner enclosure. There are at least 2 other BJFE MRDs housed in BJFE enclosures, all using the circuit from the second prototype. The backplate artwork is a Lynx - there were lynx sightings in Sweden....and some were actually shot. At least 9 pedals are known to exist.
Model R (MR) - Teddy G "The Pirate"; built for the 2006 ToneFest in Chicago (40 made of a possible 99). This was originally designed with a Les Paul. Although a different circuit, this is considered a distortion version of the Dynamic Orange Overdrive. Experimentation of the Model R led to changes to the MP Mighty Red Distortion; the sound or circuit is not related but the Model R is so sensitive to what it is used with that it spurred BJ to modify the EQ of the MRD to make it more useable with most amps and speakers. The backplate artwork is a long curly-haired pirate - Teddy G was the inspiration for this pirate.
Purpleen OverDrive Deluxe - Large box pedal with two independent BBOD V2 circuits that can be set individually and then you use a stomp switch to select between your two favorite BBOD settings while on stage.
Purple Humper (PH) - Single knob mids booster. The backplate artwork is a a pile of rocks with the shape forming a hump. (5 made)
Wah - The BJFE Wah is voiced off of a old Colorsound that BJ had back in the day and he always loved the sound of it. The BJFE Wah was voiced off memory as he no longer has that wah. There are believed to be at least 4 BJFE Wah pedals with numbers 003 and 004 being held by the same owner. With regards to numbers 003 and 004, both have a different inductor, both sound slightly different from each other, but are the same in that they arent the standard wahwah sound, do have a huge sweep, and go great with distortion. Number 003 fits perfectly with a BJFE Model R and MP CS-40. Number 004 has more low end growl, and a slightly different voice but still more filter like than wah.
Aqua Marine Delay - Now the Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay. There is only one known version of this pedal and it is not known if this came out before or after the Mad Professor pedal was released.
Aqua Marine Wonder Machine (AMWM) - Now the Mad Professor Sky Blue Overdrive. This was originally designed by alternating between using Les Paul, Fender Stratocaster and Fender Telecaster. The original desire was to find an overdrive that sat between the LGW and EGDM and also to provide a midrange that stood out at stadium levels. This "protruding" midrange idea was then incorporated into the Model R. The key to the SBOD is using the volume control on the guitar to set the desired distortion level. To aid this the AMWM has a control labelled "R" (“Z“ on the SBOD) that can place a load on the guitar pickup or the volume control - for this reason the AMWM works best when connected direct to the guitar. The SBOD also has a control labelled "T" (“Texture” on the SBOD) that is a combined filter and distortion control the combined effect of which gives an illusion of the midrange being adjusted slightly up and down. As a note, the "T" and "R" controls are incorrectly labeled on the AMWM - that is, the control labeled "R" is actually "T" and the control labeled "R" is actually the "T" control. The backplate artwork is an octopus.
Cliff Hanger (CH) - High gain distortion. Evolved to become the CH2 (8 made). This was originally designed with a Les Paul Special (P-90's) with the first prototype being called the "Concreto Distortion". The backplate artwork is a stone monument, like Stonehenge.
Cliff Hanger II (CH2) - High gain distortion with tone control and a modification of the Cliff Hanger (released February 2009). The backplate artwork is a stone monument, like Stonehenge (same as the CH). This has been incorporated into the Mad Professor Stone Grey Distortion. Some individual pedals of note are:
- In 2011 a group of 6 "Sparkling Blue" ones where made and the serial numbers all start with "11" which signifies both the year and II in CHII.
- Serial number 11-1/6 has "SB" instead of CH2 at the start signifying the "Sparkling Blue" color, which is blue with silver specks.
Concreto Distortion - Prototype of the CH (1 made)
Dynamic Amber Overdrive (DAOD) - A prototype of the SYOD but with more low mids (1 made). The DAOD was made to work as a rythm sound to match the DRD when running a Hiwatt DR103 or a Marshall. The backplate artwork is a frog drawn my BJs daughter.
Dynamic Orange Overdrive (DOOD) - Custom circuit in between the EGDM and LGW, leaning more towards the LGW (but not the same circuit). This pedal is considered one of the prototypes for the Sky Blue Overdrive (also see the Sunset Overdrive and Sunset Wonder below). The internal pot controls two things: how radiply the volume control on guitar will reduce output from guitar and upper resonance peak of the pick ups. Owners of the DOOD say that it sounds a lot like the final version of the SBOD but with less compression and is voiced slightly differently, kind of like a cross between a SBOD and LGW. Note: Only 2 of the DOODs where made but the DOOD and the Sunset Overdrive are exactly the same circuit (2 made)
Folk Phaser (FP) - Merged with the PPP to become the Mad Professor Tiny Orange Phaser. The backplate artwork is a man's face, one side if smiling and one side is angry/mean - so it is a two-sided face.
Flametop (FLT) - This is the prototype of the MP Sweet Honey Overdrive (SHOD) (released January 2009, 7 made). The pedal did not have a name or any text on the front and was referred to as the "Flametop" because of its paint job. The backplate does not have any artwork.
Little Purple Overdrive - A prototype of the SYOD (1 made)
Mystoury Box - Used to test Custom Shop pedals. Initially contained the Mystoury Drive, the SYOD prototype, and then it contained the Mystoury Fuzz, which became the SWF prototype. (1 made)
Purple Plum Phaser (PPP) - After much research Plum #001 was built in April 2005. In the end ideas from this pedal were merged with the FP to become the Mad Professor Tiny Orange Phaser. Contrary to urban myth, all four PPP pedals contain exactly the same circuit and sound exactly the same - as quoted from BJ, "same circuit in all four...they should sound close to each other". However, there is a mechanical difference between the pedals, that is, the enclosures were of a different size and the PCB was modified to help it fit into the enclosures. Plum #001 and #002 were made in a very small ELFA K430 box and as a result BJ had to cram a lot into a very, very small space. In fact, after that experience BJ said he would never do that again and other 2 PPP pedals are in boxes the same size as the MiniVibe. The controls are Speed, Colour and Mix with dead centre 12:00 on the Mix control being off and CW has a certain voicing while CCW has a different voicing. The Colour control changes the tone and the response of the phase. This is not an "in your face" type of phaser but it seems to excel at more subtle phase sounds. The sweep is somewhat vibe like at at times can sound a bit like the BJFE MiniVibe. The backplate artwork is the dramatical mask, the two changing faces. (4 made)
Saffron Yellow Overdrive - Hand-painted BJFE version of the SYOD V2 (because none of the yellow sparkly boxes were available). This was called/painted Saffron Yellow in order to keep the SYOD acronym for this pedal.
Smokey Orange Fuzz (SOF) - Prototype of the AWF. This pedal was originally requested by DocRock - he wanted a particular type of fuzz and therefore the SWF was used as the starting point for this new fuzz. Once the SOF was made all further AWF used this schema. The SOF enclosure is unique in that a ELFAK430 box got exposed to overheated oil and this made the zink react in a random pattern. Once the box was drilled and BJ removed the dust he found that the reaction almost formed a pattern of flames and so he asked Donner to paint the box in a see-through orange. The backplate background is painted all white and the artwork is a colourful orange and red fire. (1 made)
Snow White Fuzz (SWF) - Research fuzz pedal that started life as the Mystoury Fuzz and then morphed, via the SOF, into the AWF (16 made). The SWF was originally designed with a Les Paul and was originally made by BJ for his own use because he needed a new pedal for a vintage guitar show. Research research showed that people thought it was a bit bass heavy and this feedback was incorporated into the AWF. There is at lease one SWF that has a AWF circuit inside - you can tell because the enclosure does not have the word Customshop after the BJFE lettering, which means it was a special order and not a forum prototype. The backplate artwork is a nighttime snow scene.
Sparkling Orange Overdrive (SOOD) - An experiment to see if the SYOD could have more low mids and work better at low gain. It was produced around December 2007 and the serial number for this was SOrangeOD1. (1 made)
Sparkling Yellow Overdrive (SYOD) - Bright overdrive comes in a bright yellow Donnerbox with sparkles in it. This started life as the Mystoury Drive with the first official SYOD being announced on the BJFE Forum in September 2007. After the first batch of SYOD pedals were released the SOOD (above) was made as an experiment to the SYOD circuit. After two batches (B1 and B2) were produced the SYOD circuit was upgraded to the SYOD V.2 circuit (see above). SYOD pedals start with a serial number of B1 or B2 and V.2 pedals start with a serial number of B3 and above. The backplate artwork for the SYOD is a frog however some very early pedals have a mouse (which BJ viewed as a companion to the cat - meaning he thought that the SYOD would be a good companion to the DRD, considering that was its early purpose, see the DAOD ).
Sunset Overdrive - This is actually a sunburst custom paint version of the DOOD and was demoed at a Chicago Tonefest. Like the DOOD, this is considered a prototype of the Sky Blue Overdrive (1 made)
Sunset Wonder - A 4-knob version of the DOOD (externalizing the internal pots). As with the DOOD, this is considered a prototype of the Sky Blue Overdrive. The Sunset Wonder actually started life as Dyna Blue Distortion (DBD) #1 but was reboxed with an external switch added (1 made)
Tri Color - Prototype of the LGW (1 made)
Voltage Controlled Filter (VCF) - Now the Mad Professor Snow White Auto Wah (25+ made). This was originally designed with a Les Paul Special (P-90's). The original VCF was initially developed in 1991 as a remote wha to go in a rack system for multiple rocker set ups. The last few VCF pedals were made as prototypes for the Mad Professor Snow White Auto Wha with one of these being made especially for Mark Karan - this pedal was in a small green enclosure with gold writing and 4 knobs and uses a PCB intended for the Snow White Auto Wha. The backplate artwork of the VCF is a plateau boot and bellbottom trousers the purpose being to indicate the decade of the use of this effect - this is illustrated by the boot and trousers of The guitar god Alex coming down on his green cloud.
Wooden Tremolo - A prototype of the SYT. The backplate artwork is the head of a troll. (1 made)
Yellow Tremolo - A prototype of the SYT (1 made)
Customer One-Offs
Cosmetic Changes Only
Alex Red Booster - Custom color RRB (1 made)
Area 51 - Sometimes, instead of recording a pedal is #051 BJ will instead call it "Area 51". This has been seen in a BBOD.
Baby Blonde Overdrive - Custom color BBOD (1 made)
Baby Blue Booster - Blue version of BPB #087 (1 made)
Baby Blue Compressor - Custom color PGC (1 made)
Baby Pink Overdrive - Pink version of BBOD #478 (1 made)
Baltic Blue Distortion - Although popularly thought of as a custom DRD this is actually a standard DRD but with a custom color. While only a standard DRD it does have a serial number of BBD001 and the backplate is a sleeping cat. (1 made)
Baltic Blue Fuzz - Custom color PPF #142 (1 made)
Big Daddy J Fuzz - Custom color CAF (1 made)
Black Humper - Custom color PH (1 made)
Black Rooster Booster - Custom color RRB with a non-standard knob (1 made)
Blueberry Fuzz - Custom color PPF #139 (1 made)
British Racing Green MiniVibe - Custom color MGMV DLX (1 made)
Candy Apple Fuzz - Standard CAF with the standard name except that the finish has coin-sized rings instead of flames and the serial number is 'Ringo" (1 made)
Candy Red MiniVibe - Custom color MGMV (1 made)
Candy Red Distortion - Custom color DRD (1 made)
Candy Red MiniVibe - Custom color MGMV (1 made)
Candy Red Trebler - Custom color LRT #002 (1 made)
Candy Red Wonder - Custom color LGW #100 (1 made)
Cherry Red Overdrive - Custom color HBOD (1 made)
Cherry Red Tremolo - Custom color Saffron Yellow Tremolo (1 made)
Cliff Hanger II - There is a standard CH II in a Gunner painted enclosure (1 made)
Doc Rock's Distortion - Originally a custom color DRD #360. However, BJ later replaced the circuit with a Model H circuit. The color is a bronze/amber, swirling type of color. Contrary to popular opinion, this was not the first Model H prototype, a few Model H pedals existed before this one was made and this does not have more gain than other Model H pedals. (1 made)
Dyna Black Distortion - Custom color DRD, black enclosure, white text, Anarchy symbol in the "a" on the words "Dyna" and "Black". It is slightly tuned to a Telecaster being played though a tweed style amp. (1 made)
Dynamic Orange Compressor - Custom color PGC (1 made)
Dynamic Orange Distortion - Custom color DRD #267 (1 made)
Emerald Green Compressor Machine - Custom color PGC, same colour as a EGDM (1 made)
Golden Pine Compressor - Custom color "10th Anniversary" PGC painted by Gunner in green with gold leaf to celebrate 10 years of BJFE - this pedal resides in China. (1 made)
Green Apple Fuzz - Custom color CAF #001 (1 made)
Green Hornet Overdrive - Custom color HBOD. This has the Green Hornet character on the backplate. (1 made)
Honey Tea Overdrive - Custom color Donnerbox HBOD. There were a number of "Tea" custom colour BJFE pedals made for Forum member "teahead". (1 made)
Katrina Auction MiniVibe - Custom color MGMV #034 (1 made)
Kuma Fuzz - Custom painted Folk Fuzz of "Kuma", the owner's dog (1 made)
Li'l Blue Eyes MiniVibe - Custom color MGMV DLX (1 made)
Li'l Liam Fuzz - Custom color PPF #135. The pedal is named after J. Koeth's son, Liam. (1 made)
Little Apricot Wonder - Apricot version of the LGW. The backplate artwork is a cowboy/sheriff with a hat (making coffee and frying bacon over the fire) - it has the words, "I am the LAW around here..". (1 made)
Little Blue Wonder - Blue version of the LGW (1 made)
Mighty Black MiniVibe - Custom color MGMV DLX (1 made)
Mighty Blue MiniVibe - Custom color MGMV (1 made)
Mighty Copper MiniVibe - Custom color MGMV DLX #053 (1 made)
Mint Green MiniVibe - Custom color MGMV DLX (1 made)
New Year Fuzz - Standard SWF with an enclosure that looks like a SYOD (1 made)
Pink Apple Fuzz - Custom color CAF (1 made)
Pink Purple Fuzz - There is a standard PPF in in a custom purple, swirly coloured enclosure (1 made)
Saffron Yellow Booster - Custom color RRB (1 made)
Sea Blue Compressor - Custom color PGC. Has the words "Handmade in Nasby Park By the Sea" on the bottom plate. (1 made)
Sea Blue EQ - There is a standard SBEQ in a Gunner painted enclosure (1 made)
Sea Blue MiniVibe Deluxe - Standard MGMV DLX but with interesting blue brush paint job. Note, do not confuse this pedal with the special Sea Blue MiniVibe Deluxe pedal that has 2 Velocity and 2 Amplitude knobs - see below. (1 made)
Sea Green EQ - Custom color SBEQ (1 made)
Shamus Blue Overdrive - Custom color BBOD (1 made)
Single Berry Overdrive - Custom color BBBOD (1 made). The color is just a clear coat over metal box.
Sparkling Blue EQ - Custom color SBEQ (1 made)
Sparkling Orange Distortion Machine (SODM) - Custom color, Donnerbox EGDM (1 made)
Strawberry Yoghurt Booster - Custom color RRB. The backplate artwork is a strawberry and that is one strawberry that was now mashed in the yoghurt. (1 made)
Swirly Blue MiniVibe - Custom color MGMV DLX #053 (1 made)
Tasty Apple Fuzz - Custom color CAF #032 (1 made). The front as a small black painted wolf on the bottom right.
Tea Green EQ - Custom color SBEQ (1 made)
Tsunami Auction EQ - Standard blue SBEQ but with a custom "The Tsunami Relief Project $BEQ" box (1 made)
Wendy Lee Love Boost - Custom color RRB #075 (1 made)
Yellow Snow Fuzz - Custom color SWF (1 made).
Zee Blu EQ - Custom blue color SBEQ (1 made)
New/Modified Circuits
Analog Man Sun Face - BJ modified Analog Man Sun Face.
Baby Blue Overdrive Super Deluxe (Super DLX) - 2 channel BBOD with independant controls and a bass control common to both channels (1 made). This was originally made for Harri Koski at Custom-Sounds.
Big Muff - BJ modified and re-boxed Electro Harmonix Big Muff.
Big Purple Fuzz - Provides a PPF, CAF and then a third sound of ultra long sustain in one big box. This is considered a Deluxe pedal. (1 made)
Boost - BPB + A/B Selector. This comes in a nice honey enclosure, has 3 LCDs, 2 stomp-switches and 1 knob. (1 made)
Candy Orange Wonder - Distortion to match a Gibson ES-335 running into a Super Reverb. The backplate artwork is a cow. (1 made, see also LOW as this is the same circuit)
Cheshire Red Distortion - 4-knob DRD II in red and black Gunner painted enclosure. Backplate artwork is a smiling Cheshire cat.
Coal Booster - Extremely powerful booster capable of 48dbs of boost. The backplate artwork is a devils head with the words "let's make a parking lot". (2 made)
Deep Blue Delay Deluxe (DBD DLX) - Deluxe BJFE version of the MP Deep Blue Delay but with two Speed knobs, two Level knobs but only one Repeat knob. (1 made)
Donner's Digital Delay - One off pedal made for Donner. This was one of the precursors to the MP Deep Blue Delay. (1 made)
Dyna Blue Distortion (DBD) - Joke pedal made after a magazine review of the DBD before one existed (2 made). Although originally created as a joke it did end up with a serious life. DBD #1 was painted blue like the BBOD and DBD #2 was painted in the translucent blue like the SBEQ (this was about the time of the switch from opaque colours so SBEQ #1 is BBOD blue also). DBD #1 got an internal pot that was later brought to the top during its rebirth as the "Sunset Wonder", one of the SBOD 'protosteps' and included in the 2004 BJFE Tourbox. DBD #2 was then made for Tommy Foytek (Tasty Riffs 101). The low gain setting is similar to the BBOD. In fact, this is a distortion pedal for people who like the BBOD but want distortion instead of overdrive. The Dyna Blue Distortion is the opposite of a weak version of a Tube Screamer, it is a "muscular distortion pedal" with retained dynamics and voiced to go well with the brighter amps and the combination of BBOD and Dyna Blue Distortion give rise what BJ calls "a sound with sky-lifter quality, yet smooth". The cardboard box the pedals came in contain a detailed drawing of BJ (painted in blue) and the artwork on the backplate is a blue painting of Greta Garbo in a bikini - the paparazzi always tried to catch her in a bikini in a sun chair.
Dyna Red Distortion and Baby Blue Overdrive Duo - Dual or "siamese" one off pedal made for Donner which combines a DRD and a BBOD. This started after having a dream and BJ made that this pedal and the BBOD Super DLX with last of the nitro paint used for the BBOD. Later the this "siamese" pedal was sold and the owner bought two seperate units as he wanted to stick things in-between. As a result BJ decided that he wouldn't make similar siamese boxes ever again (1 made)
Dyna Red Distortion and Aaron Davis Mod - Standard DRD with some of the mids trimmed off and an increase in output so that the amplifier's input can be driven harder. (3 made)
Emerald Green Echo Machine - This is a one-off re-box for Donner and contains an Ibanez EM-5 Echo Machine. The backplate artwork is a deer, as in "Donner" one of Santa's Deer, with the words "Greetings from the North". (1 made)
FUZZ 1 - This is the first BBOD made (1 made)
FUZZ 2 - This is the first DRD made. The inspiration of this was a King of Cheese pedal. (1 made)
FUZZ 3 - This is the first CAF made (1 made)
Holy Grail Reverb Reboxed - One off re-box for Donner (1 made)
Little Orange Wonder - Distortion to match an ES335 running into a Super Reverb (1 made, see also COW as this is the same circuit). The pedal is best described as like running a DRD into a LGW. This pedal was included in a 2004 BJFE Tourbox. The backplate artwork is a fox.
Little Red Compressor - Standard PGC circuit but with a custom buffered bypass added. Custom painted by Donner; nice red, cross-hatching with gold lettering. (1 made)
Maestro Fuzz-Tone FZ-1A - Repaired FZ-1A for Donner (1 made)
Mighty Blue Overdrive - Two channel "orange/blue" distortion with identical controls on each channel (Volume, Treble, Drive). This is really just a rehoused BBOD with a dual sets of controls. The original owner (Bob) bought one of the first BBOD's and later purchased another and many years later he asked BJ if he would consider taking his favorite BBOD and the one he had kept and merge it into a dual control unit as he had found two settings that he'd like to use and it would solve a great deal of things if he could switch between those settings. So, this is one BBOD with two controls - this is not a two channel pedal, you cannot run one channel into another. Both channels contain the circuit prior to the BBOD serial #219 changes. The serial number of the original BBOD is written on the bottom plate beneath the paint (it is something like FT049). It also has the dedication "Watch out for the Gremlins". (1 made)
Model V - V is for violin and this is a copy of the first version Big Muff (1 made)
Mr Face Bender - One off Vox Tone Bender update (1 made)
Polka Fuzz - Custom tuned Folk Fuzz (1 made).
Rebel Red Distortion - Custom DRD with more low mids, less high mids, more gain and is suited for EL84 amps. This was used as research (1 made).
Rebel Rose Distortion - Rebel Red Distortion but with a green backplate (1 made).
Rusty Red Distortion - Details unknown (1 made).
Sea Blue MiniVibe Deluxe - Special MGMV DLX with 2 Velocity and 2 Amplitube knobs. This has a special wavy paint job. Note, there is also a Sea Blue MiniVibe Deluxe that is simply a standard MGMV DLX but with interesting blue brush paint job - see above. (1 made)
Sepiqua Sough - One off for Donner. This contains a restored and re-boxed Arion SFC-1 Stereo Fat Chorus. (1 made)
Skyglue Overdrive - Based on a BBOD DLX (1 made)
Sparkling Blue Sustain - Modified PGC with the dry signal mixed with the compressed signal. This particular unit is blue and initially did not have any writing on it. However, after a while the controls and name were written in white, as per normal. (1 made)
Sparkling Orange Tremolo - One of the prototypes for the MP Mellow Yellow Tremolo (1 made)
Sparkling Red Fuzz (SRF) - One off sibling fuzz to the Model R. The backplate artwork is a mouse. It uses, amongst other things, two obsolete Phillips CMOS transistors. (2 made)
Sun Burst Fuzz - For Donner (1 made)
Tremolo - First BJFE pedal made (1 made). This was used as an advertisement in the window of Bjorn Juhls' amplifier service shop and then at the Swedish Guitar and Amp show where Bjorn met Harri Koski of Custom-Sounds who would become the Sole distributor for BJFE pedals.
Vintage Delay Resurrected - Re-boxed delay in a nice green enclosure (1 made)
Woody Orange Dual Overdrive (WODOD) - Contains a BJFE Sparkling Yellow Overdrive (Version 2) and a BJFE Sparkling Yellow Overdrive (Version 1) stacked together in one box (the Version 1 circuit is always on). It contains four controls and two footswitches as follows: "Volume" control is a master volume for the Version 1 circuit, the "Treble" control controls the Version 1 circuit tone, the "R. Drive" control is the Version 1 drive and the "L. Drive" control is the Version 2 circuit Drive/Boost; the left "Dist" switch is a master on/off switch that engages the pedal and the right "Lead" switch toggles the Version 2 circuit on/off. The two circuits are in series. There is an external trimmer located between the "Treble" and "R.Drive" controls that enables you to control the treble even more (due to the high treble nature of the SYOD circuits). There is an internal trimmer for adjusting the Version 2 circuit volume. Because the Version 1 circuit is always on you cannot use the Version 2 circuit independently. Enclose is a nice brown/orange swirl and the backplate has both a frog (for the V.2 circuit) and a mouse (for the early V.1 circuit). (1 made).
Delay Pedals
Aqua Marine Delay
Deep Blue Delay Deluxe (DBD DLX)
Donner's Digital Delay
Emerald Green Echo Machine
Deluxe Pedals
Baby Blue Overdrive Deluxe (BBOD DLX)
Baby Blue Overdrive Super Deluxe (Super DLX)
Big Purple Fuzz
Deep Blue Delay Deluxe (DBD DLX)
Dyna Red Distortion and Baby Blue Overdrive Duo
Honey Bee Overdrive Deluxe (HBOD DLX)
Mighty Blue Overdrive
Pine Green Compressor Deluxe (PGC DLX)
Sea Blue MiniVibe Deluxe
Distortion Pedals
Candy Orange Wonder
Cliff Hanger (CH)
Cliff Hanger II (CH2)
Concreto Distortion
Dyna Blue Distortion
Dyna Red Distortion (DRD)
Dyna Red Distortion and Baby Blue Overdrive Duo
Emerald Green Distortion Machine (EGDM)
Little Orange Wonder
Mighty Red Distortion (MRD)
Model R (MR)
Rebel Red Distortion and Rebel Rose Distortion
Rusty Red Distortion
Dynamic and Volume Pedals
Baby Pink Booster (BPB)
Coal Booster
Little Red Compressor
Pine Green Compressor (PGC)
Pine Green Compressor Deluxe (PGC DLX)
Red Rooster Booster (RRB)
Sparkling Blue Sustain
Filter and EQ Pedals
Little Green Emphaser (LGE)
Little Red Trebler (LRT)
Purple Humper (PH)
Sea Blue EQ (SBEQ)
Voltage Controlled Filter (VCF)
Fuzz Pedals
Arctic White Fuzz (AWF)
Arctic Light Fuzz (AWF)
Big Purple Fuzz
Candy Apple Fuzz (CAF)
Folk Fuzz (FF)
Folk Fuzz 3.5% (FF DLX)
Folk pFaze 4.5%
Model V
Pink Purple Fuzz (PPF)
Smokey Orange Fuzz
Snow White Fuzz (SWF)
Sparkling Red Fuzz (SRF)
Sun Burst Fuzz
Modulation Pedals
Folk Phaser (FP)
Mighty Green MiniVibe (MGMV)
Mighty Green MiniVibe Deluxe (MGMV DLX)
Purple Plum Phaser (PPP)
Sea Blue MiniVibe Deluxe
Saffron Yellow Tremolo (SYT)
Sparkling Orange Tremolo
Wooden Tremolo
Yellow Tremolo
Overdrive Pedals
Aqua Marine Wonder Machine (AMWM)
Baby Blue Overdrive (BBOD)
Baby Blue Overdrive Deluxe (BBOD DLX)
Baby Blue Overdrive Super Deluxe (Super DLX)
BlueBerry Bass Overdrive (3BOD)
Dynamic Amber Overdrive (DAOD)
Honey Bee Overdrive (HBOD)
Honey Bee Overdrive Deluxe (HBOD DLX)
Little Green Wonder (LGW)
Little Purple Overdrive
Mighty Blue Overdrive
Model G (MG)
Model H (MH)
Saffron Yellow Overdrive
Sparkling Orange Overdrive (SOOD)
Sparkling Yellow Overdrive (SYOD)
Sparkling Yellow Overdrive Version 2 (SYOD V.2)
Sunset Overdrive
Sunset Wonder
Flametop (FLT)
Tri Color
(= means the same circuit but with different name or enclosure, -> means the circuit evolved, + means circuits were merged in some way)
Arctic White Fuzz : Mystoury Fuzz -> Snow White Fuzz -> Smokey Orange Fuzz -> Arctic White Fuzz -> Arctic Light Fuzz
Baby Blue Overdrive : FUZZ 1 -> Baby Blue Overdrive
Candy Apple Fuzz : FUZZ 3 -> Candy Apple Fuzz
Dyna Red Distortion : FUZZ 2 -> Dyna Red Distortion
Little Green Wonder : Tri Color -> Little Green Wonder
Mad Professor <unknown> : BlueBerry Bass Overdrive -> Mad Professor <unknown>
Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay : Donner's Digital Delay -> Aqua Marine Delay -> Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay
Mad Professor Mellow Yellow Tremolo : Sparkling Orange Tremolo + Saffron Yellow Tremolo -> Mad Professor Mellow Yellow Tremolo
Mad Professor Mighty Red Distortion : Mighty Red Distortion -> Mad Professor Mighty Red Distortion
Mad Professor Ruby Red Booster : Red Rooster Booster + Little Red Trebler + Baby Pink Booster
Mad Professor Sky Blue Overdrive : Dynamic Orange Overdrive = Sunset Overdrive -> Dyna Blue Distortion -> Sunset Wonder -> Aqua Marine Wonder Machine -> Mad Professor Sky Blue Overdrive
Mad Professor Snow White Auto Wah : Voltage Controlled Filter -> Mad Professor Snow White Auto Wah
Mad Professor Stone Grey Distortion : Concreto Distortion -> Cliff Hanger > Cliff Hanger II -> Mad Professor Stone Grey Distortion
Mad Professor Tiny Orange Phaser : Folk Phaser + Purple Plum Phaser -> Mad Professor Tiny Orange Phaser
Mystoury Box : Mystoury Drive -> Mystoury Fuzz
Pine Green Compressor : Pale Green Compressor = Pine Green Compressor
Saffron Yellow Tremolo : Wooden Tremolo -> Yellow Tremolo -> Saffron Yellow Tremolo
Sparkling Yellow Overdrive : Dynamic Amber Overdrive = Little Purple Overdrive -> Mystoury Drive -> Sparkling Yellow Overdrive -> Sparkling Yellow Overdrive + Modifications (including thoughts obtained by the Sparking Orange Overdrive) -> Sparkling Yellow Overdrive V.2 - > Saffron Yellow Overdrive -> ?secret?
Although I try to be as accurate as possible there is no guarantee or warranty that the information in this thread is 100% accurate. All the information is thoroughly researched and double-checked however memories fade, stories develop and things change. Therefore, be careful when using this information and perform your own research to make sure you are happy with what you are being told. Remember, this is not an official BJFE thread so don't blame them, or me for that matter, if the above is not right, we do the best we can

Updated: 3rd August 2011