The majority of BJFE pedals have a serial number located under or near the battery (see photo below). The format of the registry information is serial number, owners forum ID with each progressive owner being separated by a slash ("/") and finally any custom information, such as a custom color, which is recorded inside brackets. There are minor exceptions where the pedal may not have a serial number or may have the name of the original owner instead. These pedals are recorded at the end of the list with any identification information recorded in brackets in place of a serial number. There are even rarer instances of pedals having the same serial number; in this case each pedal will have its own separate entry. To have a pedal recorded in the registry simply message mrpicard with the pedal details and serial number.
This registry is not intended to be a registry of Mad Professor pedals. However, considering that BJ is involved in the design of these pedals we have included a section to register Mad Professor prototypes.
The registry contains the following pedals:
Out of Production
Baby Blue Overdrive (BBOD)
Baby Pink Booster (BPB)
BlueBerry Bass Overdrive (3BOD)
Little Green Wonder (LGW)
Little Red Trebler (LRT)
Pink Purple Fuzz (PPF)
Red Rooster Booster (RRB)
Saffron Yellow Tremolo (SYT)
Current Production
Candy Apple Fuzz (CAF)
Dyna Red Distortion (DRD)
Emerald Green Distortion Machine (EGDM)
Honey Bee Overdrive (HBOD)
Mighty Green MiniVibe (MGMV)
Mighty Green MiniVibe Deluxe (MGMV DLX)
Pine Green Compressor (PGC)
Pine Green Compressor Deluxe (PGC DLX)
Sea Blue EQ (SBEQ)
Custom-Sounds Custom Shop
Model H (MH)
BJFE Forum Research
Arctic White Fuzz (AWF)
Cliff Hanger II (CH2)
Model D (MD)
Model G (MG)
Model HT (MHT)
Sparkle Face (SF)
Sparkling Yellow Overdrive Version 2 (SYOD V.2)
Do-It-Yourself Projects
Folk Fuzz 3.5% (FF DLX)
Limited Editions
Baby Blue Overdrive Deluxe (BBOD DLX)
Baby Blue Super Deluxe (BBOD SDLX)
Bone Bender (BB)
Dyna Red Super Deluxe (DRD SDLX)
Honey Bee Overdrive Deluxe (HBOD DLX)
Little Green Emphaser (LGE)
Mighty Red Distortion (MRD)
Model R (MR)
Model R Deluxe (MR DLX)
Payphone Green Over Distortion (PGOD)
Purple Humper (PH)
Aqua Marine Wonder Machine (AMWM)
Cliff Hanger (CH)
Flametop (FLT)
Folk Phaser (FP)
Purple Plum Phaser (PPP)
Saffron Yellow Overdrive (SYOD)
Snow White Fuzz (SWF)
Sparkling Orange Overdrive (SOOD)
Sparkling Yellow Overdrive (SYOD)
Yellow Plexifier Distortion (YPD)
Voltage Controlled Filter (VCF)
Customer One-Offs
Analog Man Sun Face
Big Muff
Deep Blue Delay Deluxe (DBD DLX)
Donner's Digital Delay
Dyna Blue Distortion
Dyna Red Distortion and Baby Blue Overdrive Duo
Emerald Green Echo Machine
Golden Acorn OD (GAOD)
Holy Grail Reverb Reboxed
Maestro Fuzz-Tone FZ-1A
Mr Face Bender
Rebel Red Distortion
Sea Blue MiniVibe Deluxe
Sepiqua Sough
Smokey Orange Fuzz (SOF)
Sparkling Blue Sustain
Sparkling Red Fuzz (SRF)
Sun Burst Fuzz
Vintage Delay Resurrected
Mad Professor Prototypes
Fire Red Fuzz
Mellow Yellow Tremolo
Mighty Red Distortion
Baby Blue Overdrive (BBOD)
001 Donner
007 Sofus/Baby Bond
008 Johan/EQ
021 South Phoenix Dave
023 Hogy
036 Sangre Azul
039 Rollo Timbre
041 tremblox
(Area 51) Danny Boy (painted a space man inside that says: "Hello Earth")
063 Blues Lyne
084 Eric b
085 this1smyne/musicsoma (the backplate says, "The truth is out there")
095 basscracker
100 Gluke
105 Fatback
110 Jonc
125 Klasaine
167 kingpinboogie
182 Huckleboogie
186 Jake E. Lee
187 Danny Boy
191 M.Petersson
204 cbpickin/Robapov
218 justonwo/(SOLD)
283 Diamond Fur
303 T-man
312 horsehead75
319 Dosmun
340 Plecoman
355 tzamosti
357 cabo
364 Rob Keeler
369 NuSkool Tone
363 Kbedvard
373 pmard
398 Eskimo Joe
429 Herf
431 Jero
440 Nocaster
448 Rocky Bee
455 EyeFly
477 PC
478 justonwo (Baby Pink Overdrive)
481 Skychurch
482 mgrier1
488 colourtones/(SOLD)
490 Jonathan F./nibus
494 El Salvador
510 Spooner/Lemmy (Enclosure bigger than Elfa box with more pronounced corners, has internal trimmer)
516 Your name here (# FT516 with a custom colour of blue/purple seen on some Purple Humpers - it can look like blue or purple, depending on the light. It is called the "Baby Blueberry OD")
540 fendersilver (22/30 CS12 - could also be FT590)
635 dalong (4K Version)
Baby Pink Booster (BPB)
001 Gluke
002 zoooombiex
004 Eskimo Joe
005 Donner
039 rockeroo
042 Cobra/Paxton
044 Fatback
048 pmard
058 justonwo/cosmonaut
085 Rocky Bee
086 Rocky Bee
087 justonwo (Baby Blue Booster)
093 Nocaster
100 DocRock
112 Danny Boy
124 Your name here
BlueBerry Bass Overdrive (3BOD)
005 Max the Bass Player
007 Donner
032 cabo
038 Adrian Smith/(SOLD)
045 Adrian Smith
050 mills
051 Jeff Wallace
060 LuvMusic
064 the fuhz
(unknown) Dave Main/cabo
Little Green Wonder (LGW)
005 Diamond Fur
008 DC Daniels
009 zoooombiex
017 Sofus
023 wreck 1
025 horsehead75
027 (SOLD) (Nitro finish)
050 Eyefly
053 EQ
056 Cobra
059 Aidan7737/cosmonaut
061 Patch
062 Nocaster
063 John Kelley Brown
069 Michael Nice
070 Craise Finton Kirk
071 cbpickin
076 JofZ
075 071 ak47
081 justonwo/(SOLD)
100 Craise Finton Kirke/(SOLD) (Candy Red Wonder)
101 Skychurch
102 El Salvador
104 mgrier1/leo fender bender
106 Rocky Bee
107 Eskimo Joe/musicsoma
110 Robapov
111 Vinkie
125 dalong
147 Steven
(prototype) Donner (Tri Color)
(unknown) Jonc (Custom)
(blank) Cobra (Little Apricot Wonder - LAW)
(unknown) justonwo (Little Blue Wonder)
Little Red Trebler (LRT)
002 Victor Strahed (Candy Red)
009 Chrissy
010 scott cw
011 Nocaster
014 cabo
020 mgrier1/DocRock/Paxton
022 JofZ/(SOLD) (Nitro finish)
023 PC
028 Eskimo Joe/oka-y
033 M.Petersson
Pink Purple Fuzz (PPF)
002 cabo
015 Rollo Timbre
037 M.Petersson
041 zoooombiex
046 Diamond Fur
048 cosmonaut
075 Jero
063 DC Daniels
066 Rami
067 Bouly
081 cannikin
086 Gluke
087 El Salvador
089 skychurch
090 mgrier1
093 Nocaster
101 Christer
108 JofZ/(SOLD) (Nitro finish)
110 GeoffGosset
121 Fatback
122 P. Brorsen/CBH
123 PC
129 EQ
130 Kbedvard
135 JKoeth/(SOLD) (Li'L Liam Fuzz)
137 Rocky Bee
138 cerebralpaul/Paxton/justonwo
139 Teahead (Blueberry Fuzz)
140 Donner (Custom)
140 rockeroo
142 Marko (Baltic Blue Fuzz)
144 Glowing Tubes
145 Randall
148 Medication
152 cabo/(SOLD)
154 emjee/nibus
157 analoghog
159 Ben C./EyeFly
161 hawkeyeinexile
162 d-o-c
169 jb1911
175 pmard
177 Mico
178 Eskimo Joe
181 fendersilver (Donner Box)
(unknown) Jonc
Red Rooster Booster (RRB)
004 PC
006 DocRock/H_V_C/GAT
008 Donner
010 Robapov
032 Nocaster
033 cabo
044 jdandry
051 JofZ (the answer is 42)
054 Danny Boy
056 Eskimo Joe
058 Paxton
059 Christer
069 Bouly
075 JKoeth (Wendy Lee Love Boost)
102 I am Incinerator
106 alanbarley
107 Herf
111 cosmonaut
159 Your name here (With buffer)
Saffron Yellow Tremolo (SYT)
010 JofZ
012 Paxton
013 EyeFly
026 cabo
026 Your name here
032 The Warmth/Analoghog
040 Eskimo Joe
(unknown) Donner (Wooden Tremolo)
(unknown) Donner (Yellow Tremolo)
Candy Apple Fuzz (CAF)
001 scottcw (Green Apple Fuzz)
003 Donner
009 PC
010 mgrier1
011 DC Daniels
016 Donner
031 Gluke
032 (SOLD) (Tasty Apple Fuzz)
032 Rocky Bee
041 Rollo Timbre
051 Jonc/Paxton
054 Emjee
055 cabo
060 Eskimo Joe
064 Nocaster
066 Eyefly
074 El Salvador
079 justonwo/(SOLD)
084 Slim Henderson
085 mills
086 jonnyrocket
101 Nanook
103 EQ
112 pmard
115 wonderboy
(Ringo) Danny Boy
(Z6) JofZ (DonnerBox painted to look like the neck of a Gibson Les Paul)
Dyna Red Distortion (DRD)
002 Sofus
003 Blues Lyne/Murkat
004 Donner
006 kingpinboogie
011 Chrissy
015 Donner
02? scott cw
024 zoooombiex/Paxton/Slim Henderson
048 Perry D
049 PC
061 Nanook
069 Kbedvard
105 Prizefighter (Nitro finish)
127 Diamond Fur
144 Cobra
177 Blue Powder
179 (SOLD) (Cat artwork on front bottom right)
214 colourtones/(SOLD) (Has clover/smiley face artwork)
223 Racktifier
251 pmard
252 Rocky Bee
257 cbpickin
259 Craise Finton Kirk
264 Huckleboogie
267 JofZ (Dynamic Orange Distortion)
272 Rollo Timbre
275 DocRock/(SOLD)
276 Olav
283 TheGrooveKing
285 El Salvador
287 Skychurch
291 mgrier1
297 tri-royhan
298 Glendrix/EskimoJoe
300 Rocky Bee (Blue LED)
315 alanbarley
317 aaron davis
319 Barnaby,Hardly
321 K-man/Paxton
333 Piby
343 StuBrew
350 jasonlee
351 emjee
352 Nocaster
357 nibus
360 DocRock (DocRock's Distortion)
374 EQ
375 justonwo
380 kb892
412 fendersilver
415 jdandry
446 jonnyrocket
450 Hulakatt
Emerald Green Distortion Machine (EGDM)
001 fendersilver (Sparkling Orange Distortion Machine)
002 Donner
008 GM in NY
009 Jake E Lee
012 ToneRanger/rockeroo
014 Cubba
015 Cobra
025 (SOLD) (Nitro finish)
030 Paxton
031 Michael Nice
050 this1smyne
052 Cobra
058 Fatback/PC
060 Patch
061 Joek86
065 zoooombiex
069 Rocky Bee
072 JofZ/(SOLD)
071 ak47
074 pacomac
075 sean sanchez/gkelm
076 Teahead
077 Craise Finton Kirk
078 Rollo Timbre/Tzamosti
082 JKoeth
084 mgrier1
090 Myron Stratis
099 Huckleboogie
100 cannikin
101 Enjoyer
106 Paxton
107 Racktifier/ptbarnum
109 Eskimo Joe
114 Prizefighter
120 Paxton
122 murkat/Christer
126 kb892
128 jdandry (Donnerboxed, with the faux Vox grille crosshatching)
133 I am Incinerator
135 Eyefly
136 Soulman
137 colourtones (backplate artwork has what appears to be a little submarine under the planet and comet)
138 pmard
180 Nocaster
181 Andy Westhosen
186 I am Incinerator/DennisRayburn
191 justonwo
197 Your name here
210 alanbarley
214 cosmonaut
Honey Bee Overdrive (HBOD)
002 Donner
003 Heater/Donner
005 Jussi/horsehead75
010 Jonc
011 DC Danieals
013 Diamond Fur
018 Dave Nailing
033 zoooombiex
035 (SOLD) (The word "Honey" is on the honey pot artwork)
040 GDKing
056 Jake E Lee
067 JofZ
069 mopfloyd
070 the Warmth
071 T Bone
074 Craise Finton Kirk
076 M.Petersson
085 Nanook
093 cannikin
095 El Salvador
096 Barnaby/Hardly
097 scott cw/emjee
098 Patch
099 Bluzbraker
101 ptbarnum
104 leo fender bender
106 Olav
107 drolling
111 rhmcfarland
114 cosmonaut
133 JKoeth/colourtones/(SOLD)
137 Ben C.
141 real sladdi
142 Straleno
144 E- Flat/thiscalltoarms
147 KDSI44
149 Rocky Bee
151 Klasaine
156 realfi
158 Granite
162 Huckleboogie
164 Fatback
167 Rollo
167 the bot
168 rickkane32/Eskimo Joe
169 JoeK86
170 mezcalhead
171 Skychurch
172 GDKing/pepperco
173 stratneck
174 mfolet
175 murkat
176 PC
178 Dana Wright
180 Coach
188 Waveydb
195 Your name here
196 Teahead
202 Enjoyer
205 Straleno
209 mgrier1
220 Randall
228 ASRiley
240 Aidan
242 K-man/Tzamosti
252 EyeFly
253 DaSkip
256 pmard
262 Lifetimer
277 cabo
279 leo fender bender
289 Paxton
296 TheGrooveKing
302 JB1911/btmish
322 dbeeman
333 rubytuesday007
335 EQ
338 Christer
341 Nocaster
346 golfcalle
357 I'm Incinerator
374 gregory49
377 carlisle beauregard
401 mills
406 justonwo/(SOLD)
407 alanbarley
409 SeanS
441 emjee
481 Danny Boy
489 jonnyrocket
502 dalong
521 howdy
596 rockeroo
600 Prizefighter
639 Hulakatt
664 ak47 (Gold custom version)
726 Huss (Hammond case - details here and images here)
741 dalong
(blank) cardinal of crunk
Mighty Green MiniVibe (MGMV)
005 scott cw
006 Christer
014 Donner
016 Gluke
018 Chrissy
021 justonwo/(SOLD) (Sea Blue)
023 Play By Tone (Mighty Blue)
029 Rocky Bee
031 Fatback
032 tzamosti
033 JofZ
034 Cerebralpaul (Katrina Auction)
038 alanbarley
039 Paxton/Eskimo Joe
042 P. Brorsen/CBH
043 Rocky Bee
052 Matts Tone
060 pmard
062 ak47 (Converted to DLX with a note by BJ "besök hos plastik kirurgen 24 sept 09" which means "visit to the plastic surgeon")
067 cabo
069 Nocaster
Mighty Green MiniVibe Deluxe (MGMV DLX)
001 Craise Finton Kirke
005 Paxton
011 Eskimo Joe
019 Groove King
025 cabo (Mint Green)
053 Teahead (Mighty Copper)
201 fendersilver (Sea Blue)
(blank) PC (British Racing Green)
(blank) JKoeth (L'il Blue Eyes)
(unknown) EyeFly
Pine Green Compressor (PGC)
006 Donner
007 Sebastian
009 John Kelley Brown
017 cabo
018 Cobra
020 DC Daniels
030 cannikin
046 Diamond Fur/hurleysurf
055 pmard (Green transparent painting with text "Pale Green")
054 JofZ/(SOLD) (Nitro finish, Pale Green Compressor)
066 Tea Head/Tzamosti
069 Huss (Pale Green Compressor, images here)
070 Fatback
075 Dana Olsen
078 Skychurch
081 Ben C
091 Dana Wright
093 Glendrix
101 Eskimo Joe
105 Glowing Tubes/Christer
106 JKoeth
111 cb pickin
113 Coach
114 rockeroo
126 ddpphoto
147 enge
149 Robapov
150 blobcaster
156 dbeeman
163 PinkSchism
167 Nocaster
168 Eyefly
174 shigihara
175 Paxton
180 justonwo/(SOLD)
188 El Salvador
190 Lifetimer
197 mills
208 Your name here
214 cosmonaut
217 fendersilver
228 ak47
233 mam8dg
Pine Green Compressor Deluxe (PGC DLX)
001 timmerel
014 colourtones
Sea Blue EQ (SBEQ)
001 Cobra
002 Donner
003 Diamond Fur
010 Dandy13/rockeroo
015 Craise Finton Kirk
018 jonnyrocket
019 wreck1
020 Nocaster
025 Beckanon
026 Jake E Lee
027 Patch
028 pmard
035 Fatback
040 Daskip
044 drolling
046 PC or76
050 e-z
054 Randy/EyeFly
055 Antonio/Lifetimer
061 JKoeth
065 Danny Boy
066 zoooombiex
069 thiscalltoarms
072 Hulakatt
073 I am Incinerator
084 Da5Id
091 Granite
091 Ben C
096 P. Brorsen/CBH
098 Paxton
101 Skychurch
102 Rocky Bee
104 mgrier1
119 Brick/(SOLD)
125 StuBrew
130 El Salvador
139 mfolet
143 FloridaSam
146 Glendrix
147 Shnook
153 dsl
155 cannikin
160 PinkSchism
162 Eskimo Joe
167 Your name here
168 colourtones
169 Joeleo
182 cosmonaut
203 alanbarley
222 fendersilver
(unknown) JofZ (The pedal is standard but the box is painted with a Seal by Eva and says "The Tsunami Relief Project $BEQ")
(unknown) Cerebral Paul/cosmonaut (Sea Green EQ)
(unknown) Tea Head (Tea Green EQ)
(unknown) Donner (Sparkling Blue EQ)
Model H (MH)
001 Donner
002 ak47 (Swirly paint job, "handmade in usa/sweden")
004 Eskimo Joe/Prizefighter (Customshop, glitter/tolex finish)
006 justonwo
008 The Warmth/zion
012 Enjoyer
018 EyeFly
033 EQ
045 Carlos
054 bsic/(SOLD) (Custom Shop / Black See-Through Finish)
062 alanbarley
066 pmard
067 mikepick/ebenezer
068 bsic/SteveA/(SOLD) (Custom Shop / Black Finish)
070 rockeroo
075 alanbarley
Arctic White Fuzz (AWF)
002 Tonefishin
007 EQ
016 fendersilver
032 Your name here
Cliff Hanger II (CH2)
11-1/6 alanbarley (says "SB" instead of "CH2")
(unknown) Tonefishin
(Cliffhanger II Custom) rockeroo (Turquoise with Gold-Flake Inlays)
CH7 2013 ak47
Model D (MD)
005 ak47
047 dalong
Model G (MG)
023 ak47
028 alanbarley
033 colourtones
053 Hulakatt
061 Your name here
(the white) Huss (White case - images here)
Model HT (MHT)
004 alanbarley
Sparkle Face (SF)
SF 1/6 ak47
Sparkling Yellow Overdrive Version 2 (SYOD V.2)
B3/1 oka-y
B3/4 pmard
(unknown) Robapov
Folk Fuzz 3.5% (FF DLX)
Round I
002 Craise Finton Kirke
003 Jussi/horsehead75
012 Jivebaby
013 Hulakatt
014 cabo
015 Alex
020 Eyefly
021 Eskimo Joe (Customshop Model with Donnerbox)
(unknown) Donner
(unknown) tzamosti
(unknown) justonwo
(unknown) zion
(DL Kubitz) Dl Kubitz/cabo/cosmonaut
(unknown) ptbarnum (Custom Shop version/Mostly blue with green sparkly top)
(none) Horsehead75/Jussi/pmard
Round II
020 Joeleo (Serial number says XX, being 20 in Roman numerals)
Baby Blue Overdrive Deluxe (BBOD DLX)
FTDL4 cabo
Baby Blue Super Deluxe (BBOD SDLX)
BBOD Super dlx 1 ak47
Bone Bender (BB)
008 ak47
Dyna Red Super Deluxe (DRD SDLX)
DRD sdlx 1 ak47
Honey Bee Overdrive Deluxe (HBOD DLX)
003 justonwo
006 EyeFly
008 cabo
010 fendersilver
016 horsehead75
018 NewarkWilder/Slim Henderson
019 GDKind
020 micki001
022 thisfire
036 colourtones
Little Green Emphaser (LGE)
001 cabo
006 Dave Nailing
Mighty Red Distortion (MRD)
004 cabo/(SOLD)
Model R
004 Fernando Ferreira
009 cabo
015 golfcalle
016 Marko/Eskimo Joe
019 Danny Boy
023 justonwo/(SOLD)
025 Eyefly
029 Paxton/murkat
032 TheGrooveKing
033 kb892
034 kingslyd
040 ak47
075 BONEHEAD (4K model purchased from thesegoto11)
(prototype) Donner
Model R Deluxe MR DLX
too ak47
Payphone Green Over Distortion (PGOD)
(unknown) ak47
Purple Humper (PH)
001 Cerebralpaul/Paxton
002 Donner/cabo
006 colourtones
022 fendersilver (Black Humper)
003 cabo
004 cabo
Aqua Marine Wonder Machine (AMWM)
002 Marko
003 cabo
004 Paxton
009 justonwo
(prototype) Donner (Sunset Overdrive)
(prototype) Donner (Sunset Wonder)
Cliff Hanger (CH)
005 emjee
006 Eskimoe Joe
Flametop (FLT)
002 Danny Boy
003 horsehead75
004 ak47
005 cabo
Folk Phaser (FP)
003 cardinal of crunk
004 Eskimo Joe
005 cabo
007 Donner/(SOLD)
(prototype) DocRock
Purple Plum Phaser (PPP)
001 Cobra/Eskimo Joe
002 Donner
004 JofZ/(SOLD)
Saffron Yellow Overdrive (SYOD)
002 wonderboy
Snow White Fuzz (SWF)
003 Eskimo Joe
005 Christer
006 mopfloyd
008 Realfi
014 zion/justonwo/(SOLD)
(unknown) thiscalltoarms
001 Danny Boy (New Year Fuzz)
Yellow Plexifier Distortion (YPD)
(unknown) ak47
Sparkling Yellow Overdrive (SYOD)
001 Donner
013 EyeFly
B2/2 justonwo/(SOLD)
B2/4 AnalogHog/thiscalltoarms
B2/6 Eskimo Joe
(Amber OD Custom proto) DocRock/(SOLD) (Dynamic Amber Overdrive)
(prototype) Teahead/Eskimo Joe/justonwo (Little Purple Overdrive)
Voltage Controlled Filter (VCF)
001 EyeFly
007 TeaHead
008 cabo
024 Eskimo Joe
025 Donner/(SOLD)
(prototype) Donner
unknown (Green, small enclosure, 4 knobs)
(blank) ak47 (Big box prototype with ''the force is strong'' written on the back)
Analog Man Sun Face
(unknown) cabo
Big Muff
(unknown) cabo
Deep Blue Delay Deluxe (DBD DLX)
(blank) Danny Boy
Donner's Digital Delay
(unknown) Donner
Dyna Red Distortion and Baby Blue Overdrive Duo
(unknown) Donner
Emerald Green Echo Machine
(unknown) Donner
Golden Acorn OD (GAOD)
too ak47
Holy Grail Reverb Reboxed
(unknown) Donner
Maestro Fuzz-Tone FZ-1A
(unknown) Donner
Mr Face Bender
(unknown) Donner
Rebel Red Distortion
(unknown) seans/Danny Boy
Sea Blue MiniVibe Deluxe - 2 Velocity and 2 Amplitude Knobs
(blank) Danny Boy
Sepiqua Sough
(unknown) Donner
Sparkling Blue Sustain
001 Danny Boy
Sparkling Red Fuzz (SRF)
(unknown) cabo
Sun Burst Fuzz
(unknown) Donner
Vintage Delay Resurrected
(unknown) Donner/Danny Boy
Fire Red Fuzz
Mellow Yellow Tremolo
001 Danny Boy (Sparkling Orange Tremolo)
Mighty Red Distortion
002 Danny Boy (looks almost like a Model R and is signed by BJ on the front)
Snow White Auto Wah (9 made)
003 jdandry
Serial numbers are inside under the battery.

Updated: 3rd October 2011