All prices include Paypal and shipping! Packages will be sent via USPS insured & signature required, without exception. No trades though, please. Thanks!:D
Well, the time has finally come.... All of these have boxes, except the Echoverb. It never had one when new. It will be well packed as I received it. The PGC is missing some paint from the bottom and one screw. All the BJFe's will come with the original bottom, as well as a blank bottom with Dual Lock installed. Additional pics are available for most of the BJFe's, for those interested. Especially the AWF, as it has art all the way around.
Echoverb - $1,200. Prototype. Awesome.

Model G - $750. One of only a few made in black. This one's special.

Arctic White Fuzz - $600. Hand painted by Bjorn. Not another one like it in the world. As far as I know, he's never done anything like this before or since. Painting symbolizes the cycle of seasons - death and rebirth - in Sweden. It even has simulated frost... An absolute beauty.

Baby Blueberry Overdrive - $600. One off v2 Baby Blue Overdrive. Predates any re-released limited runs. [COLOR="Red"]*** SOLD ***[/COLOR]

Candy Apple Fuzz 4-knob one off - $550. *** SOLD *** This one's smoky orange in color, with a wolf howling at the full moon inside the backplate. In honor of Halloween. Germanium, with a super cool clipping trimmer inside to control the gating. This one's an absolute monster.

Red Rooster Booster - $400. This one is special in that it's extra beautifully swirly AND contains Bjorn's magic buffer. The only one like this, as far as I'm aware.

Emerald Green Distortion Machine - $350. *** SOLD *** This one's beautifully swirly and sounds fantastic.

Sea Blue EQ - $300. *** SOLD *** Another beauty, that sounds just as good as it looks. An exceptional example.

Pine Green Compressor - $350. [COLOR="Red"]*** SOLD ***[/COLOR] This one's got a few chips here and there and some paint and one screw missing from the bottom. Still, another beautiful swirl. Seems more and more are plain looking these days. This one is not.

Baby Pink Booster - $300. As close to mint as these get.

Eventide H9 w/T1M E3D controller and TRS cable - $400. *** SOLD *** Coupon never used. Stock algorithms. With box. If you want, I can remove the Energy Dome sticker from the E3D. Not sure why you'd want that, but yeah...

TC Electronics Ditto X2 - $125. *** SOLD *** Box included.