Someone should snag that CAF...I have an early one from that same serial number batch, and it's a total fuzz overload in the best way...had one or two later ones, and these early ones are much meaner animals, yet still very useable all 'round the nature knob.
You can hear mine in a quick/rough demo on the bridge 'bucker through a '94 Matchless SC-30 I did here through channel 1: BF is the germanium version and killer sounding, but this early silicon slut is a special keeper for sure

At the 5 minute mark, is the gated/dying battery bliss tones(nature knob fully CCW)...after having
many vintage fuzzes, including the orange Kay, Very first run spam Can hand-wired Fuzz Factory Super Fuzz, Ibanez Standard Fuzz, to name few, this CAF does the
best version of that sound sonically and feel-wise
Best of luck with your sales