Oh my God....

I would have made such a grave "mistake" in giving up the Purple Plum Phaser... I have been playing with the Folk Phaser and the PPP tonight into my Bludotone High Plains Drifter using a D'Pergo Sig Limited Strat, going back and forth between them and simply being in heaven......... They are each a wonderful and unique pedal and defy choosing one over the other. It has been
One of those Moments for me that justifies why we love this part of our lives... I have
recently had this "rule" that when I want some new gear I "must sell" something of equal value otherwise I will have no self control.. Well, I just can't always do that and be happy with myself.... We have rules in life so that we sometimes can
know when to break them and feel comfortable that it was the right thing to do.... and this was one of those instances. Rules can be so stupid....