Looking to pay somebody to build a .org Folk Fuzz 3.5%

Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:27 am
by jonnyrocket
Hi, I got one of the build kits a while ago and tried to build it but I got stuck. I was wondering if there is anyone here who could finish/fix it for me. I am pretty sure all the components are there. I followed the thread that Frommel started with photos on it and I think I have laced correctly all the components on the PCB. The problem that I ran into is connecting the proper cables from the PCB to the jacks, switch, battery snap and DC power connector.
If you can help me out, shoot me a message along with your fee.
Re: Looking to pay somebody to build a .org Folk Fuzz 3.5%

Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:15 pm
by cajone5
jonnyrocket wrote:Hi, I got one of the build kits a while ago and tried to build it but I got stuck. I was wondering if there is anyone here who could finish/fix it for me. I am pretty sure all the components are there. I followed the thread that Frommel started with photos on it and I think I have laced correctly all the components on the PCB. The problem that I ran into is connecting the proper cables from the PCB to the jacks, switch, battery snap and DC power connector.
If you can help me out, shoot me a message along with your fee.
Post some detailed photos and maybe we can deduce it here

Re: Looking to pay somebody to build a .org Folk Fuzz 3.5%

Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:51 pm
by jonnyrocket
cajone5 wrote:Post some detailed photos and maybe we can deduce it here

Thanks, thats a great idea! I'll take it out of the closet in the next coming days and will post detailed pics of it.