sonictroubadour wrote:Whatever, nothing I can do about a lynch mob mentality, nevermind the fact that the laws of this country and fairness, in general, would dictate that people are innocent until proven guilty and this guy has offered no proof whatsoever to support his claim. And that's not merely my opinion vs. his, that's the decision of an independent arbiter who had no skin in the game. Honestly, do you think PayPal willingly promotes fraud despite the presence of evidence? C'mon, they'd be out of business in a week if they did so. Isn't it just as likely a possibility to you that Lars got a better offer after taking my money and decided to sell it elsewhere? If not, why not? I have every bit as much proof for such a claim as he has for his! In fact, not only could he not prove it was received (and that's the basis of his claim), but when asked by PP to provide proof of just mailing it, he could not do so! So, again, believe what you wanna believe. I can't stop you and I'm not gonna get mad about it, but do know that you are treating me as guilty in the absence of ANY evidence. Does that strike you as being that way fair, decent people (heck, so many of you position yourself as being Christians, even!), such as all my detractors are positioning themselves to be, act? Really, guilty in the absence of any proof, based only on one person's statement?
Bought and sold with, among others:
Steve A
BJ, himself, who just made a PH for me a month or so ago!
And on and on
None of whom had a problem or, at least they’ve never so stated to me.
So one guy makes an unsubstantiated claim and you all form a lynch mob?
Wow, I suppose you think that kid that got shot in Florida probably was doing something for which he deserved to be murdered, too?
As for selling pedals now on eBay, well, despite these unsubstantiated charges, there were still forum members begging me to sell them my rarities, but, after all this BS, I’m not dealing with anything here further. The lynch mob ruined it for, otherwise, innocent and uninvolved parties – sweet move, christians.
Logging out for good.
Have nice lives, even to my detractors!