as i need funds for my current amp project.
All in excellent condition.
shipping included.
Payment : Interac or pp
Telenordia TF -1 Filter / Boost.
"The TF-1 Filter is a versatile electrical instrument preamplifier that allows for frequency selective level boost in various filter shapes. Six frequency center points covering the whole range of an electric guitar or similar instruments are available for a boost of up to 15dB, with the amount of boost being continously adjustable.
The shape of the filter curve can be either low shelf, bell or high shelf, with the possibility of blending between the three configurations. "
250 euro plus shipping and duty,
and quite hard to come by.
Get this one for H O L D M E .

Framptone A/B + both switcher.
Perfect for a stereo setup, or dual channel amp.
detailed product info :
Yours for $ 215.00

Blackstone Mosfet Overdrive
detailed product info :
Experience this G O N Z O .