WTB: Bearfoot HBOD or MH, Mad Professor SBOD or LGW

Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:38 pm
by Bluefugue
I would love to purchase a Bearfoot HBOD or Model H, or a Mad Professor SBOD or LGW. I would MOST love to have the BJFE versions, but unfortunately, price is a consideration.
Re: WTB: Bearfoot HBOD or MH, Mad Professor SBOD or LGW

Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:11 pm
by Radiosdead
I've got a lovely MH I'll sell for cheap. Name your price. Shoot me your email and I'll send you pics.
Bought it here on these boards bout 2 years ago I think..was not taken out but was used for comparisons with other BJFE stuff.
Hit me up