Interview with w/ Marc Baier, the man behind Victoria
TQR: How does your Reverberato differ form the old Fender reverb units aside from the addition of out board tremolo?
I always felt that Finder reverbs colored the tone too much. They seemed kind of splashy sounding, and I wanted to do something more original-the reverb copies had been done already. When we prototyped the Reverberato, we ultimately used the Blackface reverb as a model there's just less tone shaping with that design, and we matched it with the old "brown Concert" tremolo. I think we really came up with an excellent circuit and I'm extremely proud of it.
TQR: The brown Concert tremolo circuit operates on what principle?
It takes the signal from the guitar and breaks it into 2 components. One is run through a high filter and, another through a low filter. So you have them separated, they are run through an oscillator that gets the highs and the lows 180 degrees out of phase with each other, and then it recombines them so that the highs and the lows are beating against each other. That's what gives you that real lush, greasy tremolo. It doesn't draw out completeky-you never lose volume completely as you do with the pbotoresistor circuit. There is a subtle amount of pitch shifting going on but it's a basely noticeable component of the design. We spent l8 months working on our design and no small part of that was tweaking out the tremolo. One of the complaints that I had with the brown Concert was that when the signal was being separated in the original tremolo circuit, it was bleeding some of the tone out of the sound. When we designed the Reverberato we experimented a lot with cap values and there really is no signal degradation in the circuit compared to the original Fender design.
Review from customer, borrowed from Victoria website
Hello Mark,
I've really got my Reverberato dialed in! I run my guitar into the Reverberato (Tone=4, Level=6, Dwell=6) and the Reverberato into the Bright channel of my 45410-T. Before I got the Reverberato I preferred the 45410's Normal channel; it's darker tone seemed to work better with my Strats, especially the maple-necked '58. But the Reverberato's reverb does wonderful things to the Bright channel. It adds great warmth and depth while retaining the Bright channel's snap. And when I hit the tremolo everyone within listening distance is immediately mesmerized! A great way to create sonic zombies. You really got it right with the Reverberato. I'm able to get great reverb and tremolo while still retaining the pure sound of the 45410 and my guitars.
Best regards,