Tue May 17, 2011 1:38 am
by Luke
Looking for a HBOD Deluxe to replace the HBOD Deluxe I sold 2 years ago, please I'd like to find another one....
Contact me a
[email protected] Thank You Very Much!!!!
Re: WTB HBOD Deluxe

Tue May 17, 2011 6:15 pm
by SteveA
Good luck on that one. Goona look for one of those too! Sold my HB a while back when I needed money and i definitely miss it.
Re: WTB HBOD Deluxe

Fri May 20, 2011 11:04 pm
by Luke
Thanks, had a few offers off of the forum. I sold mine a year or so ago (for what I paid from a member here) it seems that these are now going for $1100-$1400 range now, Whew.... I think they are great sounding pedals for $750- $900 range but not any higher for me. Again thanks for offers and opening my eyes on how much these things have gone up in price.... Cheers!!!