i am offering this here with the approval of Bjorn -- and his blessings.
This is THE Deep Blue Delay that has been featured in over a hundred pedal demos on my youtube channel.
It is an early prototype that was handbuilt by Bjorn, and has a longer delay time (600 ms) and slightly more natural modulation than the MP version, which is 450 ms
I had thought about using evilbay -- but I really wish for this pedal to go to someone here at BJFE.org
For the last six months, I have been dealing with some health problems that are causing me to rack up some intense medical bills, and as you may know, without insurance here in the USA, it's nearly impossible to afford medical care. I am lucky that our family doctor is a fellow musician, and that he has taken care of our family for many years for a discounted rate, since he is friends with me & my wife......but he had to refer me to a "specialist", and that's expensive

so....instead of ebay, i want to offer this fine delay pedal HERE, for best offer over $300. It works and sounds fantastic, and is a little bit famous, after being in over a hundred pedal demos.
I will give it a couple of days and see what offers come in....I have another appt for diagnostic work next week that is gonna cost some serious $$$, and am letting go of a few things i would rather keep for sure.
thanks for all the support here at BJFe -- I really appreciate it, and I hope I can stay healthy and keep making demos and music for a few more years

here's a demo featuring the DBD prototype -- it is a bright blue finish, and I used a silver sharpie to write on the lettering -- if you wanted, the sharpie markings will come off easily, I can remove them before shipping if desired.
Please PM me your offers over $300, with the thought in mind that the $$$ are going towards medical bills

if you want any detailed photos of the DBD, please let me know. it has veclro on bottom, and has been around the world, I think Bjorn had let another touring guitarist use it before me...and I have gigged with it for a couple of years as well