PSA - Early PPF FS on the 'bay

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Re: PSA - Early PPF FS on the 'bay

Postby cajone5 » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:14 pm

By bet is the SBEQ will be next, followed by the PGC, then maybe we'll get into the ones I'm really hoping to see the MH, AWF and SYOD...

My guess is the next 5 will be...


Although I'm thinking there will be a significant time gap between the PGC and the rest because they'll probably be overloaded with orders by then and keeping up with demand will probably keep them busy for quite a while :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Three thumbs up for Bearfoot FX

*EDIT* Oh yea I forgot about the EGDM
Last edited by cajone5 on Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PSA - Early PPF FS on the 'bay

Postby Joeleo » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:22 pm

I seem to recall Donner posting somewhere (maybe on TGP) that it was a big 'if' whether or not there would be a BF PGC, and if so that it would be a long time down the road. I'm with you both that it makes tons of sense to capitalize on the craze and release a Bearfoot version soon, but that post made it sound like it was up in the air.

My guess is SBEQ for the next release (though I'm still selfishly hoping for an EGDM).
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