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FYI - Model R on TGP

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:52 pm
by cajone5 ... p?t=855905

Not mine - figured I'd post it for those interested.

Re: FYI - Model R on TGP

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 8:33 pm
by Joeleo
Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnddddd...mine. :love4 :drooling

Holy crap.

Re: FYI - Model R on TGP

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:44 pm
by thesjkexperience
Congratulations! :drooling

We want sound clips!

Re: FYI - Model R on TGP

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:14 pm
by Joeleo
I'd be happy to do some clips. The timing is a bit of a bummer since this week i happen to be off from both school AND work, and have been itching to do some recording. by the time it gets here i likely won't have nearly as much time for clips, but i'll try to find time to do some at some point.