MP OS 21 Combo FS on the 'bay (not mine)

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Re: MP OS 21 Combo FS on the 'bay (not mine)

Postby fugot » Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:20 pm

The fact that anyone here calls me old friend brings a little tear to my eye....

i recently got my second bludotone, and it is a 6v6 50 watt. otherwise, i would be keeping the old school . I would be up for trading it for bjfe pedals and cash... i actually would prefer it to go to a bjf fan, which is partly why i snagged it-believe it or not...

play in tune-often thanks mike
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Re: MP OS 21 Combo FS on the 'bay (not mine)

Postby thesjkexperience » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:14 am

The amp kicks serious behind! This might be the most versatile single channel 6v6 amp out there. Super thick tones with your choice of clean to grind. Even when it is in full grind it still takes any of the BJFE or MP pedals perfectly. The amp is so new that the speaker isn't broken in yet and will only get better as it does.

They only thing I would do is change the preamp tubes to TungSol because I use single coil pickups and they are a bit fatter and smoother sounding.
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