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WTB: Cornish LD-1

PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:40 am
by zornshorn
I know, another long shot, but I had such quick success with my LRT request that I figured it was worth a try. I've now done two deals here and complete info/references are gladly provided to parties making legitimate offers, so please let me know if you've got one you want to move. :thumbup:

Re: WTB: Cornish LD-1

PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:48 am
by zornshorn
OK, forget my request posted above. I got an email yesterday from Pete Cornish saying that the 4 pedals and 22 cables I had ordered 15 months ago were ready. So, I wrote him back to ask about also getting a LD-1 and he said he could whip up a LD-1 quickly and still get the whole lot out to me by the end of the week. So, the good news is that in a few weeks (that all depends on US Customs! :mailbox), I'll have a stack of Cornish glory to blast. The bad news is that whole set-up is like $4K! Ouch! Guess that'll have to end my pedal buying spree for a while! :sign_aaarggh

Re: WTB: Cornish LD-1

PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:49 pm
by Joeleo
wow, sounds like you have a pretty incredible NPD fast approaching. Enjoy! :D

Re: WTB: Cornish LD-1

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:11 am
by zornshorn
Joeleo wrote:wow, sounds like you have a pretty incredible NPD fast approaching. Enjoy! :D

Thanks, man. Yeah, it will be a pretty epic NPD when all that gear arrives!

BTW, I know some others here are waiting on Cornish gear and Pete told me that he had been working on a huge set-up for some unnamed major rock star and, now that he had completed that, he would be blowing out the 100's of orders that had been waiting. So, if you're expecting some Cornish goodies, like I was, you may be hearing good news from Pete soon!