Updated 10-31 Pedals for sale/trade

hey guys, picked up some stuff in various trades, i honestly didn't need the pedals, but wanted to help some guys out who wanted custom builds, so now i've got a mess of pedals that are going to collect dust. they have velcro. no surprises there. make me a trade offer, if you want multiples i'll give a bit of a discount maybe..... i don't know, just help me make some room prices include shipping.
if you want a pic of something shoot me your cell number via PM and i'll take a cell pic and send it to you. note: this charges your cell phone sometimes, so only if you REALLY need to know what a DD20 looks like and don't know how to use google search. they all look pretty standard.
Loop Master 2 in 2 out patch bay, gray 1590B sized so you can use it as a riser. if it doesn't sell i'll paint it black and sell it as one of myne or build something into it.... $35
DL4 preset box box in pink small red LED by R3FX $25
loop master custom dual loop 3 channel switcher (5 stomps 3 polarity toggles) two on TRS and one on mono
some fulltones:
Fulltone Choral flange like new in box w/papers (no power supply, but the power supply box ) $175
Fulltone Fatboost v1 (the best one IMO) like new in box w/papers $100
Fulltone Clyde Deluxe Wah in box w/papers and jazz knobs on teh side and internal trim, very flexible. i've got an RMC2 and they cover a lot of the same ground, but the RMC is beat to snot and has sentimental value. $175
random old stuff:
Boss Digital Delay and sampler DSD2 big chip analog sounding digital delay $100
Vintage proco rat (small box, sweet tones 'the chip') some wear, but its old 80s rock yer socks off wear. LED in the A $125
Hollow Earth Sonic Crayon: ridiculous tremolo pedal, RIDICULOUS do some youtube vids. they're rare as crap too $300
Dr Z brake lite $145 shipped like new i honestly don't think this was ever installed ANYWHERE. if it doesn't sell i'll put it in my deluxe.
Voodoo labs PP2 power supply, nice shape, box, 8 cables: $130
Boss DD20 no box but great shape $155 shipped (its heavier)
Couple random amps?
70's silverface bassman Ten 4x10 combo closed back, sounds good, needs new tubes. the front grill is pulling a little, easy fix? $500 plus shipping
once i retube it i'll probably spruce it up some and sell it for $700+. i really think $500 is pretty fair if you want a little project.
Air Tight Garage 4x10 bassman PTP clone combo
laquered tweed, freakin' amazing amp, but if it sells i'll hvae more money, and i've got a mess of combos around
$1500 shipped
Bumbox lead 1 old version, black tolex, 1watt of tube marshall amazingness in a head has a line out for all you sissy churches that need to keep stage volume to a minimum i'm messing, this thing is awesome $400 shipped
no guitars on the block just now.... sorry boys.
if you want a pic of something shoot me your cell number via PM and i'll take a cell pic and send it to you. note: this charges your cell phone sometimes, so only if you REALLY need to know what a DD20 looks like and don't know how to use google search. they all look pretty standard.
Loop Master 2 in 2 out patch bay, gray 1590B sized so you can use it as a riser. if it doesn't sell i'll paint it black and sell it as one of myne or build something into it.... $35
DL4 preset box box in pink small red LED by R3FX $25
loop master custom dual loop 3 channel switcher (5 stomps 3 polarity toggles) two on TRS and one on mono
some fulltones:
Fulltone Choral flange like new in box w/papers (no power supply, but the power supply box ) $175
Fulltone Fatboost v1 (the best one IMO) like new in box w/papers $100
Fulltone Clyde Deluxe Wah in box w/papers and jazz knobs on teh side and internal trim, very flexible. i've got an RMC2 and they cover a lot of the same ground, but the RMC is beat to snot and has sentimental value. $175
random old stuff:
Boss Digital Delay and sampler DSD2 big chip analog sounding digital delay $100
Vintage proco rat (small box, sweet tones 'the chip') some wear, but its old 80s rock yer socks off wear. LED in the A $125
Hollow Earth Sonic Crayon: ridiculous tremolo pedal, RIDICULOUS do some youtube vids. they're rare as crap too $300
Dr Z brake lite $145 shipped like new i honestly don't think this was ever installed ANYWHERE. if it doesn't sell i'll put it in my deluxe.
Voodoo labs PP2 power supply, nice shape, box, 8 cables: $130
Boss DD20 no box but great shape $155 shipped (its heavier)
Couple random amps?
70's silverface bassman Ten 4x10 combo closed back, sounds good, needs new tubes. the front grill is pulling a little, easy fix? $500 plus shipping
once i retube it i'll probably spruce it up some and sell it for $700+. i really think $500 is pretty fair if you want a little project.
Air Tight Garage 4x10 bassman PTP clone combo
laquered tweed, freakin' amazing amp, but if it sells i'll hvae more money, and i've got a mess of combos around
$1500 shipped
Bumbox lead 1 old version, black tolex, 1watt of tube marshall amazingness in a head has a line out for all you sissy churches that need to keep stage volume to a minimum i'm messing, this thing is awesome $400 shipped
no guitars on the block just now.... sorry boys.