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FS/FT BJFE LGW "Special" no serial number - on hold

Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:07 pm
by hawaii121
Hello out there,
I'm thinking about parting ways with my BJFE LGW. I wanted to put it here for fair price suggestions and so that it stays within this group. It is sort of a "one of" as it has no serial number and "LGW Special" is written on the inside. It has both chips and, though it has velcro on the bottom, it is chip free most everywhere else. There is one small mod that Bjorn lead me through - the signal was coming through even when the pedal was off, so Bjorn instructed me on a small soldering job between two posts on the switch that solved the problem. Pedal works great, but I traded my old Fender and this doesn't really agree with the two amps I'm using now.
Feedback? Offers? Trades?
Re: FS/FT BJFE LGW "Special" no serial number

Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:14 pm
by SteveA
What a nice rarity! I actually have the Mad Professor version and I can say its a great pedal.
Good luck with the sale.
Re: FS/FT BJFE LGW "Special" no serial number

Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:32 pm
by hawaii121
It's a killer pedal - just doesn't agree with my current amps - kind of want to keep it, but was hoping a cool BJFE trade offer might come into play!
Re: FS/FT BJFE LGW "Special" no serial number

Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:50 pm
by hawaii121
Any thoughts on fair price out there? I'm thinking around $400 or trade for other BJFE - I figure $400 is about what the average used BJFE goes for so if it goes for $ then I have enough to shop for a different BJFE flavor.
Re: FS/FT BJFE LGW "Special" no serial number

Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:59 pm
by hawaii121
I've still got it - lots of very cool offers. For trades, I'm pretty much only considering BJFE pedals unless it's something really unique. I've got a HBOB, DRD, CAF, MGMV, PGC, and this LGW. I'm interested in SBEQ, SYOD, later model H, or BBOD - thanks!
Re: FS/FT BJFE LGW "Special" no serial number

Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:15 pm
by scottcw
PM with trade offers sent.
Re: FS/FT BJFE LGW "Special" no serial number

Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:49 am
by Bobby D
wow wow wow!!!!
i had a green LGW like that when i first started my foray into BJFe. the MP version is 95% as good. but the handwired BJFE model had a certain "sweetness" to it that NO OTHER TS PEDAL i have played thru since has ever matched.
someone is gonna LOVE this pedal

Re: FS/FT BJFE LGW "Special" no serial number

Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:38 am
by this1smyne
PM'd with trade offers AND a cash offer. gimme!!!!
Re: FS/FT BJFE LGW "Special" no serial number

Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:25 am
by SteveA
lets hope Daniel gets this one! He's been grabbing quite a few rarities these days

Re: FS/FT BJFE LGW "Special" no serial number

Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:02 pm
by bsic
SteveA wrote:lets hope Daniel gets this one! He's been grabbing quite a few rarities these days

Yeah- and he's been after both for a while. Dan gets the patience award-- gl sir!