huckleboogie wrote:hi guys, whats wrong with BBOD V1? i mean aside from the fact that i prefer the heavier boxes of the later versions, i have owned both- with great results and difference hardly noticeable (if at all). or nothing that couldnt be "fixed" with turning a knob on my amp one millimeter. so i'm wondering, is there any difference circuitwise and if so, is it drastic? because sonically....i dont think there is

Honestly, I've never played either version. The descriptions of the v1, v2 BBODs posted by mrpicard here in the BJFE library makes v2 sound perhaps more desireable:
However, there was a major revision (V2) at serial #219 whereby the circuit was permanently modified to (a) make the output less sensitive to loading and (b) increase the output by 6dB (this change was based on the work done on the Baby Pink Overdrive, which was originally developed as a special gift for BBOD #100). As a result of the work that he did on #209, #210 and #211, BJ thought that the BBOD sounded better with the low impedance output and therefore from BBOD #212 onwards all BBODs have the low impedance modification. Whether or not output "loading" with v1 is a problem in many or few circumstances, I don't know. I'm pleased to learn you've had both and did not find them significantly different. If money wasn't rather tight at the moment I would have bought this one, v1/v2 notwithstanding, but I decided to hold out for a v2 in my current financial state.
Thanks for your comments.