FS : Ebay BJFe Little Red Trebler (Not Mine)

Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:42 pm
by SteveA
http://cgi.ebay.com/Early-Vintage-BJFE- ... HOP:US:101Asking 850$ ! Well if you're interested ... make an offer !
On the same note, cabo has an early, flat paint finish version for sale on the forum for ~600$.
Re: FS : Ebay BJFe Little Red Trebler (Not Mine)

Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:42 pm
by SteveA
Well in the case of the PPP, most of those sounds can be gotten by the TOP if I understand correctly reading the description. The same goes for the AMWM which is basically the Sky Blue Overdrive. So yes, those prices are commanded by the collection value of those pieces. Now the saffron yellow tremolo may very be an incredible pedal. If I had the cash left after buying all the rarities, I would certainly have bought Eskimo Joe's pedal straight ought. The same goes for the Snow White/Arctic White. Those sounds are not available in a Mad Professor counterpart nor were they made in any reasonable number. Same goes for the Model R and the SYOD (which I am completely loving btw). So those pedals do command a higher price tag. I'll keep my pedals because I love them. If I need to sell them, its cool to know that they are worth a lot, but not necessarily a reason to sell something I enjoy.
With the coming of the Mad Professor RRB, I doubt i'll be spending this much on the LRT ... ever.
Re: FS : Ebay BJFe Little Red Trebler (Not Mine)

Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:08 pm
by SteveA
sonictroubadour wrote:
Saffron Yellow Tremolo (SYT) - The Mad Professor Mellow Yellow Tremolo is not the same circuit as the SYT but has the same "theory of operation" (released 4th December 2002, 39 made).
Which is why for me, buying Eskimo Joe's pedal would have been a bargain at 500$ and i would have jumped on it.
Re: FS : Ebay BJFe Little Red Trebler (Not Mine)

Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:16 am
by melodichaotic
Ya gotta love the resale market, guys making more money off of merely flipping pedals than the genius who created the circuit designs and built them by hand, Bjorn Juhl, gets - WTF?!? Well, if you're over the age of ten, which I'm assuming is everybody in here, then you already know (and hopefully have accepted the fact that) life's not fair!
Well, two things: As far as the resale market is concerned...hey, it just is what it is. Yes there are the flippers, but also the market fluctuations, bidding wars,supply and demand, misinformation, hype, and complete emotional retardation/ignorance in these instances help create these lucrative opportunities, making owners sometimes think twice about keeping something so potentially valuable.
Once any builder makes something and puts it out there, it's out of their hands, period. We can point fingers and/or complain all we want...sometimes justifiable and sometimes it just falls upon deaf ears, because all it takes is one overbid auction, or one ridiculously zealous rare pedal monger to create a rip tide that pulls out the other few uber-rarities you thought you'd otherwise not see.
Will SteveA be complaining when his Paypal account gets a net positive workout(aside from the mandatory fees) at auction end? Doubtful.
Will the final price now accurately reflect the(new) value of the Snow White Fuzz? Well, again that's left up to the market whether it's a one-off fluke or not--same with that $900+ Model R...
Hey, I was the seller of a DAM 1965 pedal about 2 1/2-3 years ago that I later found out got a 12 page thread going on the DAM site just for that auction...it was a very cool sounding fuzz and I waited a VERY long time for it, but in the end it wasn't for me...I'd have been happy to get double of what I paid for it which at the time was only $200 shipped...ending bid was $1825...a new record---I had no idea at the time...was I complaining--hell no. Now if those come up for sale(and two JUST sold in the last month), they command $1800 partly because only 50 were made, and maybe in part to my auction.
You now say you are faced with tax realities and that brings me to my second point.
Sometimes you have to do what you have to do...I more often think it's not life that isn't necessarily unfair, but our behavior.
Re: FS : Ebay BJFe Little Red Trebler (Not Mine)

Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:19 am
by seans
There has been a culture here rather than a rule, and I hope there still is, of offering pedals back to other forum members for roughly what you paid for them. This place has been very special like that.