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Re: Which type of BJF do you love the most? (POLL INCLUDED)

Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:25 pm
by Thor
I went with OD because they are simply so amazing and I use them with greater regularity. If I could only have one pedal it would be the PPF as it walks the line between fuzz and OD.
Have yet to pick up a BJFE pedal that did not float my boat though - can't wait to pick up another!
Re: Which type of BJF do you love the most? (POLL INCLUDED)

Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:47 pm
by justonwo
Obviously, it's hard to choose, but I think his overdrives do the most for me. They are so tube-like and versatile. The HBOD Deluxe and AMWM are truly things of transcendent beauty. The CAF is pretty sweet, too. So is the PPF . . . and the Model H. The BBOD ain't bad.
I've liked every single one in one way or another. The Model R is probably the only one I haven't yet bonded with. The DRD just seems so much more versatile.
Re: Which type of BJF do you love the most? (POLL INCLUDED)

Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:34 am
by huckleboogie
i vote for Overdrive. just because that's what i use most of the time, and the HB, LGW and BBOD are among the best ODs that i've found.
but then, same thing goes for DRD and EGDM in the Distortion sector...
Re: Which type of BJF do you love the most? (POLL INCLUDED)

Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:20 pm
by emjee
Very tough question!! I would have to say its a coin flip between a CAF and a Cliffhanger.
But if I HAD to pick only ONE, it would be....DRUM ROLL PLEASE.......
THE CLIFFHANGER!!! Nothing rocks like this thing. It is a straight up GAIN MONSTER!!!